Sunday 9 September 2018

Why We Kettlebell

According to Pavel Tsatsouline, the author of many definitive books and videos on the subject of kettlebells and strength training, a Russian day well spent is as follows; Vodka at night, pickle juice in the morning (the best thing for a hangover). Throwing some kettlebells around between this hangover and the next one.
The kettlebell is one of the most simplistic looking pieces of exercise equipment you will ever lay your eyes on. Yet it is one of the most effective and versatile I have every had the pleasure of abusing myself with. It has been around for over 300 years and has been a staple of Russian strongmen for centuries. As the Soviet Weightlifting Yearbook published in 1986 put it, "It is had to find a sport that has deeper roots in the history of our people than the girevoy sport". (kettlebell sport)
So popular were kettlebells in Tsarist Russia that any strong man or weightlifter was referred to as a girevik, or "a kettlebell man". If you are knowledgeable about the history of the strongman and the many Olympic records set over the past 100 years, you know that the Russians are among the strongest people to ever walk the planet.
Soviet scientist discovered in the twentieth century what many hard living comrades had known for generations, that is, lifting kettlebells for reps is one of the best tool available for all around physical development and fitness.
The modern day kettlebell movement in this country can be attributed to one Pavel Tsatsouline, Master of Sports. In 2001 he was voted Rolling Stones Hot Trainer of the Year. He is a former Soviet Special Forces instructor and nationally ranked in the Russian ethnic sport of kettlebell lifting.
I first started studying Pavel's work in 2000 and was introduced to kettlebells in 2004. Before then I was mostly into bodybuilding type lifts with some powerlifting stuff thrown in for good measure. I had been lifting weights for 20 years at this point and had not experienced the results that I had hoped to by that time. Kettlebells and the philosophy that Pavel teaches changed my strength and conditioning life, and for that matter my everyday life forever. I'm hooked and I ain't ever going back to the way I used to train.
What the heck makes the kettlebell so effective I am often asked? How can this simple piece of iron with a handle be so darn effective at building strength and melting away fat with out the dishonor of aerobics? The short answer is the handle. The handle on a kettlebell makes it very versatile allowing you to perform the same lift from many different angles. Each variation changes the center of gravity of the bell and thus its effects on the body. There are several lifts that would not be practical or even possible without the kettlebell.
The other thing that make it so effective is the fact that when you learn to lift the kettlebell, you learn to utilize the body as a whole unit. This is how your body was designed to be used. For instance, the force used to drive a military press does not start in the shoulders or the arms, it starts in the toes and up the leg and the torso and into the bell. This make your workouts so much more effective in a relatively short period of time. I used to lift for 2 hours a day! Insane I was. I can get a workout that is many times more effective in 30 minutes or less with kettlebells.
The other advantage of a kettlebell is it's mobility. You can take it anywhere you go and get a quality whole body workout. The office, the backyard, the beach, the garage or anyplace your little old heart desires. NO EXCUSES now for not working out.
Incorporating kettlebells into my workouts has greatly increased my strength and conditioning levels. I have become more fit and flexible and my back has become like steel, resistant to injury. My chiropractor hasn't seen me in years. Sorry doc. My grip has become vice like and my shoulder health has been restored following an injury that plagued me with limited mobility in my left shoulder for years.
If you are not using a kettlebell and you are serious about your strength and conditioning or you are looking for a fun and effective way to shed some fat, get yourself a kettlebell and get to it. You will NOT be sorry.
Yours in Health,
Denns Gill is the creator of Iron Kettlebell Fitness. He has been in the iron game for over 25 years and has been an expert in the area of strength and conditioning and kettlebells. He can be reached at his website [] or on Twitter at Your questions are encouraged.

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