Wednesday 28 November 2018

Over 70yro Super Buff Grandpas | Grandpa Bodybuilders | Age Is Just A Number

How Home Elderly Exercise Programs Are Beneficial For Senior Citizens

As a modernized society, we've come to understand a great deal about living and the human body at all ages. In response to such advancement in knowledge, one of the benefiting parties is the senior citizen. In our case in point, the specific benefit is that of having access to what are known today as elderly home exercise programs.
Mostly, these programs consist of directed exercise routines and overall physical activity management. In most cases, they are administered by a professional coach in a residential or group home setting. In many other cases, however, the senior may manage their routine independently.
Exercises, Progression
The exercises and techniques utilized in such a program may, in fact, vary as much as the individual being served. One individual may require added lower body activity and at a heightened rate. Another person, on the other hand, might need accurate arm and shoulder exercises for some reason, and at a very light pace. Whole-body programs are also quite common.
Progression and adaptation are additional strengths of such home exercise programs. Because of their individualized application and parameters from one individual to another, direct adaptation to physical needs of the senior at that time can be applied. Change can be tracked and thus adapted to from one minute or one session to the next.
For example, Joe, a senior in New York utilizes a service called "Elderly Home Exercise Program NYC." He has been excelling and moving on via this home program from a recent back injury. However, he then fell and experienced some additional leg injuries. To adapt, his home exercise coordinator then works with doctor advice and Joe to adopt a new schedule and routine to his new and very sensitive needs.
The Benefits
So, what exactly are the specific benefits to such home-based elderly exercise programs? In essence, these programs, if followed correctly, can have all of the advantages of regular exercise and physical activity that are appropriate to one's age and condition. This is with the additional benefit of professional guidance and oversight. Here are some of the scientifically-backed benefits of such physical activity for the elderly, in our case, as conducted by way of home elderly exercise programs.
We all know that it does take some energy to exercise or even perform very light activity. However, did you know that studies show even a light activity regimen can give one more energy? The official figures cited by the study were an estimated 20% in energy increase after even light activity.
Better Overall Feeling, Wellness
Aside from just heightened energy, study after study has shown that seniors and all other age groups also benefit in some other, often immeasurable ways concerning overall self-feelings and the sense of well-being. Psychologically and physically, the body is better with use, particularly since an instrument against aging. Much is already known, but science is still learning about this combined matter of body chemistry, psychology, and physiology.
Longevity, or the aptitude to be able to live long and healthily, has been proven time and time again to be directly associated with exercise and maintaining some level of physical activity. Typical home sessions can run anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes. As science has shown, even the most basic and brief, daily activities can lead to some longevity improvements.
Heightened Immune Response
Officially, this is not proven, however, it is strongly theorized that the immune system, like the rest of the body, benefits directly from physical activity. Some science points to the involved use of the lungs and a sort of flushing of bacteria when worked. Other research points to directly related changes to white blood cells and immuno-response mechanisms. One can be fairly certain, though, that one day over the horizon, proof will likely come that illustrates the heightened immune response to physical activity.
Home programs for elderly exercise and health are beneficial in some ways. These programs oversee and administer just the right amount of activity for any body, at any age. These are the basics of these programs and their associated benefits.
For more information on the best elderly home exercise program NYC has to offer, or just some generalities on the subject, please feel free to reach out to us today.
Marjorie Jaffe is a Senior Personal Trainer in NYC who specializes in home personal training programs with seniors and the elderly. Learn more by visiting her website at

Article Source: Home Elderly Exercise Programs Are Beneficial For Senior Citizens

Tuesday 27 November 2018

3 Reasons Why Women Over 50 Should Lift Weight

Most of my clients are women over the age of 50. As a group, I can say that they are the hardest working and most dedicated clients that a personal trainer could ask for. Hard working, dedicated, and totally focused on getting better and stronger. Girls definitely rule when it comes to training.
The biggest request I get when starting with a new client is "I need to get rid of this fat around my (fill in the blank)". The impression is that if they do tons of crunches, they will lose the fat that has accumulated around their bellies. It doesn't quite work that way. Exercises targeting a specific part of the anatomy doesn't burn-up all the fat in that one area. Sorry.
In addition to accumulating a little extra padding in those "problem areas", there are other changes happening in your body after 50. Here are just a few of the most common adaptations to age:
• Menopause ends the childbearing years
• Gray hair replaces natural hair color
• Vision fades requiring reading glasses
• Gravity starts to take over as everything starts to sag a bit
• Skin loses it's normal elasticity and feels loose
• Thickness around the waist and hips start to form
I could go on, but let's stop there. There is no way to stop the natural aging process. At 59, I am amazed at how my body has changed over the past 20 years. With every 12-month turn of the calendar, I have to work harder to just keep-up. Since I know I cannot stop the aging process, my goal is to simply slow it down a bit, and that should be yours as well.
Perhaps one of the best ways to slow down the effects of aging after 50 is to lift weight. Now, I'm not talking about the little 2-pound dumbbells. I'm talking REAL weight. Here are 3 reasons why you need to lift weight after 50:
1. Bone Density
You think drinking milk and taking calcium supplements is going to keep your bones strong and hold off the dreaded "hump back" caused by osteoporosis? Think again.
The best way to build strong bones is by lifting heavy weight. Think about it for a second - When you pick up something heavy, your brain (being the super smart computer it is) determines that you need a little more thickness in that arm-bone or else it will snap like a twig. So, when you consistently hoist heavy weight, growth hormone is produced and new bone cells created to increase the density and strength of the skeletal structure(your arm).
This is called "anatomical adaptation", and it is the fastest and best way to get your bones strong.
2. Burn Fat
Would you like to turn you body into a little "fat burning machine"? No problem. Just start lifting heavy weight. When you lift weight, your body produces lean muscle mass, which takes calories to support. This increases your basal metabolic rate and helps you to burn more calories during the day.
The more muscle you build, the more calories you burn. If the body does not have a ready source of sugar available, it will start utilizing body fat for energy. This is where good nutrition comes in. But needless to say, if you are lifting weight and building lean muscle, you will reduce the fat around your waist, hips, thighs, and arms.
3. Feel Awesome
I know this one doesn't sound very scientific, but lifting weight will elevate your mood and make you feel like you can do anything.
When you lift heavy weight, your body produces endorphins, which interact with the receptors in your brain and reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a "positive feeling" in your body similar to that of morphine. In essence, you get "high" when you workout with weights.
Lifting weight is less dangerous and certainly less expensive than taking drugs, both legal and illegal. It is very cool for me to be greeted at the door with a scowl (I'm not in the mood to train) only to have my client give me a huge energized smile when I leave. Yup, those endorphin thing really do work.
So, if you are a woman over 50, then give lifting weight a try. My advice is to work with certified personal trainer who can show you the right exercises and how to do them safely. A good trainer will also help you progress the movements and weight so that you keep getting stronger. If you need any help, just let me know.
About The Author
Mike Christie, personal trainer and nutritional counselor, invites you to visit for more weight loss, fitness, and nutrition articles like this one. You may also feel free to contact Mike by email at for fitness and nutrition advice and questions

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Only 4 Exercises to Hit Every Muscle!

Here's Some Health And Ageing Tips For the Older You Get In Today's World

Aging certainly does not need to be scary, yet as the years pass you may begin to notice wrinkles appearing around your mouth or 'crow's feet' growing around your eyes.
You could find little depressions between your brows, or thin lines above your forehead.
Do not stress, keep these little signs of ageing from becoming more obvious with the following ideas.
- Working out or at least light exercise.
Yes, daily walking or bicycling, or stair walking, or other light exercise is a vital part in the ageing process, and many exercise for seniors these days are including yoga for seniors with arthritis, and much more.
Start becoming involved in at least 20-25 minutes of physical activity each day if you desire to look and feel great the older you get.
- Do not take your relationships with old friends lightly.
- Attempt to reconnect with good old friends that you have lost touch with.
As you get closer to retirement it readies to have friends and family to rely on in order to fill the time that your work was filling before.
When you retire, it will help keep you from feeling a bit lost and complacent.
- Start taking care of your skin.
The skin is the first place to reveal indications of ageing since as it grows ageing spots appear and it ends up being drier and loses flexibility.
A good anti-ageing moisturizer, nevertheless, can make your skin softer and minimize the look of existing wrinkles and help to postpone the formation of new ones.
As one ages, it is very important to supply the body with the nutrients it has to gain back or maintain for optimum health.
One method to make sure that your body has all the nutrients it needs is to take appropriate nutritional supplements.
Some supplements you may want to consider are anti-oxidants, multi-vitamins, and anti-inflamm, and even some great herbs that are also in certain teas.
Always be sure to keep in mind to seek the guidance of your physician before taking any new supplements.
When you have a big meal, - Add fresh vegetables as a side dish.
- Vegetables contain a lot of nutrients that you need and can enhance your total state of mind.
Previously I discussed an effective daily diet plan for ageing to where you don't have to fight like a snarling dog to lose weight.
In addition, vegetables do not have a lot of fat content, which can assist to increase your durability and limit the wrinkles that you get on your skin.
One of the strong anti-ageing tips to preserve good health as you are ageing is to consume a well-balanced diet plan.
By following a healthy diet plan your body is provided the essential nutrients it requires to keep maximum health and improve mental focus and maintain great self-confidence.
- Simplify the important things in your life.
- Start with your bedroom closet, perhaps, and go from there.
- Get rid of the clutter that you do not use.
You will rapidly see that many of the important things around your home are just unnecessary and serve absolutely no function in your life. De-cluttering will decrease the tension in your life.
Consider the anti-ageing tips in this article on normal ageing the older you get.
Keep Active and Think Young
As the late famous actress Betty Davis once said, "The formula for staying young is to be young at heart, but to do so you must first accept your inner beauty that never grows old."
Surely the older you get as I mentioned above, the skin is the very first place to show indications of aging because as it grows, ageing spots appear and gets more dry as it loses elasticity.
Pamper yourself with a good anti-ageing moisturizer, nevertheless, can make your skin shine and feel softer while fading some of those existing wrinkles, and help to delay the development of new ones.
With health and ageing it is important to stay motivated and inspired about being all you be, while providing the body, mind, and spirit with the nutrients it requires to restore or preserve overall well-balance for wonderful health.
As the Course in Miracles states, "There is but one interpretation of motivation that makes any sense."
Before I continue I simply remind that getting old can be easier by putting more fresh veggies and fruits into your diet with less fat, which can help to increase your durability and restrict the wrinkles that you get on your skin.
We need to always keep in mind that healthy food for senior citizens is crucial while we travel through our golden years.
(As always, be sure to seek the net for further material on more anti-ageing tips along with the negative results of ageing and some changes we may make the older you get.)
To a healthy life as you age gracefully!
You can find related info on topics like, 'perhaps boost your confidence, here we uncover how to overcome adversity in life,' and so much more:
The link above gives you access to further helpful material and for folks who are interested in letting go of the past and moving on in life to attaining Real Abundance, Purpose, and Wellness in their lives.
Hi, I'm James Nussbaumer, I'd like to introduce myself through my thought provoking self-improvement and inspirational books, articles, videos, Podcast, and other content for a better life, where I reflect on the principles of A Course in Miracles. It's about being all you can be and a life of success and happiness. Thank you for visiting.

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Monday 26 November 2018

Exercises for Older People Just Starting Out
We always encourage older people to begin an exercise program, but when they are just starting out it is important to know how to exercise safely. Whoever you are exercising has to meet that person's needs, and obviously by starting a program when at 60 those requirements aren't going to be the same as somebody who is exercising at 30 years old. First, a consultation with a doctor is always recommended just to be informed of what the exercise plan will be.
Then you can get started. This following routine will get your body going if you do them three or four times a week. These are some of the simple exercises that will get you started:
1. Knee lifts. As we age our hips and core can lose some suppleness if we fail to keep them full flexed. Do these by starting with your feet about shoulders apart. With hands on hips put all of your weight on your right foot, bend your left knee toward your chest. After one minute do this with the other leg. This will also be an excellent exercise for balance. To begin you might want to use a hand on the wall for support.
2. Calf raises. This is a great workout for strengthening the calve muscles. While standing with your feet shoulder distance apart, lift up on your toes slowly. Hold that position for a couple of seconds and then drop back down to your heels. Repeat this for one minute. To add intensity as you progress you can carry small weights in your hands. If you want to work on balance do the same motion but only one foot at a time.
3. Step and tap. This is another great exercise for balance, but it is also good for a light aerobics workout. While standing imagine that there is a line on the ground next to you. Step sideways over that line one foot at a time, then when both feet are across that imaginary line step back with each foot. Do this for about one minute at whatever speed feels comfortable for you. As you advance you can bounce back and forth with both feet together.
4. Arm circles. One of the areas that can lock up when not used is the shoulder joints. Like the knees they are big joints and should be exercise regularly to keep that full range of motion you will need as you age. This is a great exercise for keeping the joints supple, and it is to stand with your arms on your side outward in a T-shape with your body. Begin moving your hands in a circular motion, graduate making wider and wider circles with your hands. After one minute makes circles in the opposite direction for a minute. This can be enhanced by holding small weights.
5. Standing crunches. We all know that crunches are great exercises for the abs, but they are quite difficult to do. Standing crunches are easier and will still give the abdominal muscles a workout. With your feet slightly wider than your shoulders lift your left arm above and over your right side until you feel the left side stretch. Bring your left elbow down and crunch to the left and compress your torso as you bring your left knee up. Have the feeling of pinching something between your elbow and knee. After returning to the original position, continue with this again for one minute and then switch sides.
Where you carry your weight has a lot to do with your overall health, as it is a  marker for issues []  having to do with the kidneys and liver. Read more about how to put on good weight through diet and exercise on our website Rich Carroll is a writer and avid health advocate now living in Chicago.

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Is Losing Strength After 40 Natural?

There are many falsehoods that have developed over the years regarding aging and strength. As someone who has worked out all my life they have always seemed liked excuses to me, but they are things I hear all the time. Here are a few of the "LIES", let's call them what they are, I'd like to put to rest.
LIE#1: You naturally put on weight as you get older... WRONG!
Stop blaming those expanding love handles on getting older! In fact, of any other challenge, this is the simplest to combat. There are four factors which contribute to middle age weight gain: slowing metabolism, lower testosterone, poor diet and lack of exercise. Look at that list. Two of the four factors are completely within our control. It's time to stop blaming those expanding love handles on getting older. It's just an excuse. All you need to do is make the right food choices and take care with what you eat. That tiny change alone will stop the onset of weight gain.
But when it comes to strength, here's another myth to bust...
LIE #2: As you get older, you naturally get weaker... WRONG!
I'll show how wrong this lie is. Research from the University of Oklahoma found that over an eight-week period a group of middle-aged guys (35-50) succeeded losing body fat and building muscle. But that's not all. Compared with a group of college-aged guys over the same period, the older guys lost MORE body fat and gained MORE muscle. So, let me say this again: None of this is inevitable. Yes, you're susceptible... but it doesn't have to be your future. Getting older isn't the problem. (And any guy who blames age for their performance is making excuses.)
You don't have to accept these lies.
LIE #3: As you age, you naturally lose energy... WRONG!
There's one everyday reality that hits you harder than anything else: always feeling tired. To feel that overwhelming exhaustion every day is, well... exhausting. You wake up tired. Yawn your way through the work day. And then spend the evening slouched on the sofa unable to keep your eyes open.
And you pay the price.
You spend less quality time with your wife. Less time with your kids. Every activity is a struggle. Before you thought nothing of heading out to do any number of outdoor activities... now, you're lucky if you make it through the evening. Your energy levels start on a downward spiral when your lack of energy reduces your activity level. It becomes a vicious cycle.
But here's the thing about what I call the Energy Spiral. It goes up as well as down. Find the energy and get back into daily activity and the spiral turns upwards. More energy = even more energy. Reinvigorating your body to release enough energy to keep increasing energy levels needs to be a major part of any program.
LIE #4: Injuries are just going to happen as you get older... WRONG!
Remember what you were like in your 20s? Knocking around the gym. Lifting big. Huge gains every week. Eating whatever you wanted with no side-effects. And then what happened when you hit your 30s? Change happens. A nag turns into an ache. The gains take a little bit longer. The fat clings a little harder to your body than it used to. The realization hits: we're not invincible. Progress is painful. What worked for you as a 20-year-old kid doesn't work for you now.
It's perfectly natural. Your body changes. But NONE of the programs reflect that change. They expect you to try nailing it like you did in your youth... and when you don't get results, frustration sets in. You try working out harder. And for longer. Yet the results stall. Your energy starts dropping and soon you're exhausted, frustrated or, even worse, injured. It doesn't have to be that way. With the right program you can avoid injuries!
It's worse than hitting a plateau. And it's not just a case of changing it up or trying something different. The next stage is all about motivation...
LIE #5: Motivation is much harder to come by as we age... WRONG!
Of course, it's not your fault. When you hit your 30s, life gets in the way. You mature. Your priorities change. Your days fill up with the everyday rigor of spending time on your career. You dedicate your free time on evenings and weekends to your family. Hanging out in the gym or sweating it out for hours on end stop having the same appeal. Your motivation wanes. Your diet slips. Life gets in the way. Your priorities may have changed... but your body still needs attention
As you can see, NONE of these issues are physiological.
Our challenges are not about our body. They are around what we choose to do with our body. These are the same challenges for every guy, like you and me. You may be experiencing one or more of these right now... you may be going through all three. By challenging and resolving each of these issues, you can turn back the clock. Deterioration and decay doesn't have to be your reality.
I've found a program that works to help you overcome these lies we've all been told. Known as 40 Strong I think if you'll give it a try, you're going to be achieving the kind of results you did in your 20's.
40 Strong is about you doing what you love to do when it comes to activity. This program is about choosing different ways to be physically active. Liking what you're doing for exercise is the key to longevity and long-term results.
Because if you truly like something, it will be very hard to stop doing it.
I always like going back to children when it comes to explaining exercise and being active. Most of the children in this world have one thing in common; they like to play. Playing is exercise. Kids run, jump, twist, climb and move their bodies with tremendous power, strength and agility. As we age, we lose that ability. Not because we got older, but because we stopped moving like that every day and this point is missed by many experts in the field of strength and health. This program is about adding recess back into your life and having that time everyday where you get to play in different ways. In doing that you will regain energy, muscle, mobility, confidence and your life will be forever changed.
Check out this article and available resources on my educational website at

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Sunday 25 November 2018

Why Exercise? Here's Why

In my mid 30's I was diagnosed with some pretty severe health problems. I can recall the days that I was so run down and so sick, that my work days were shortened to about 3-4 hours a day. This made it tough for my clients because my best hours were from 10:00- 2:00. For that reason, most of my work had to be done from my home office.
During that time I would make it a point to go for a walk at 10:00 in the evening. This was extremely tough for me. As I struggled to make a mile, I wondered if I'd ever get my health back? Exercise and physical activity were always a huge part of my life. Now I spent the majority of my days in bed.
Around age 40 my wife really started to push me. Not in a way that was bad. But, in a way from inspiration. Slowly our walks became longer. I started to workout again in the mornings. While some days I could only manage 10 minutes. My thought process was 10 minutes beats 5. And given my health at that time, I was willing to take any little victory I could get.
Over the course of 3 decades working in mental health, I would often make lateral moves into the fitness industry as a consultant in health and wellness. Working with both local and national chains, I managed several weight loss programs. I knew how weight affected the individual both from a health and mental health standpoint. So, while I would focus on diet from a disease perspective, I would use exercise for overall wellness.
There is no doubt that we all can benefit from daily exercise. And you really do not need to invest in a lot of time to get results. Personally I strive for an hour a day 7 days a week. That's just feels right to me. When I finally was able to regain my health, I promised myself that I would do everything to preserve it. That said, you can see real results in as little as 20 minutes a day 3-4 times a week. What kind of results? Lets take a look at some of the benefits in regular exercise.
1. Reduce stress, depression and anxiety. Exercise has a direct effect on our brain chemistry. A good 30 minute walk or run should release those endorphins. When this happens, you'll feel less stress and increased energy.
2. Confidence does not come easily for most of us. How do we build it? Get moving. Exercise gets you feeling good. When you feel good, you tend to have a better self- image. Better self- image? Oh yeah. There's your confidence.
3. Slows down the aging process. More importantly the cognitive decline. Exercise will not stop this process completely. But, it will help slow it down. And the earlier you start to exercise, the better off you should be.
*Exercise is important at all stages of life. But for cognitive function, starting to exercise between the ages of 25-45 seem most important.
4. Can help control addiction. This can happen two- fold. First, as you exercise you brain releases dopamine {the feel good chemical.} For many in recovery this can be a good substitute. Secondly, exercise can give your life some sense of order, meaning that leads to self- worth. And as an added bonus, exercise that is built into your daily schedule can offer as a distraction for those cravings.
From time to time I hear someone argue that exercise is just another form of addiction. Well it can be. Just as food, porn, shopping and most anything else. But, ask yourself if you would rather be addicted to exercise or drugs? Be stronger than your excuses.
5. When the blood gets flowing we seem to become more creative. This especially happens when we exercise outdoors.
There are so many good reason to start exercising. Some of my biggest success with clients didn't come in the form of a mental health session. They came for a weight loss session. When a person has been diagnosed with several life threatening conditions and then they commit to a wellness process, that is a big success.
In my early 30's I received a call from a women who wanted to see me as a Hypnotherapist. However, when she arrived at my office and I was doing my intake on her, she went onto talk about how she was diagnosed with a brain tumour, breast cancer and several digestive disorders. I quickly thought to myself that my office manager gave me the wrong client file, and that she was there for end of life issues. Or to see the doctor that I worked alongside of. When I questioned her about what she was being seen for, she said without hesitation, I am here to lose 20 pounds so I look good in a bathing suit on vacation. Wow! I love it.
Over the next couple of weeks not only did we use hypnosis, but she was open to change. With some corrections to diet and adding some exercise, not only did she drop the weight, but her digestive problems faded away. I never did see her again after she left for vacation. I can't help but believe we added to the quality of life that she had before.
And just as I found out years later about the power of movement, there are no wonder drug to be found. But if there were, exercise would be one of them.
Now stop reading and get off the computer. Get yourself moving!

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Phil Jones 6 month body transformation

5 Most Common Health Concerns For Seniors

Getting older is inevitable, but a healthy lifestyle can ensure that you make the most of your golden days. It is rightly said that what you do in your 20s affects your 50s, therefore you must take deliberate steps towards a healthy lifestyle. However, knowing the possible chronic illnesses that attack during the golden years, you can consciously stave off the illness as you age.
Here are the five most common health concerns for seniors:
1. Arthritis: 
It is one of the most common problems among seniors. A poor and inactive lifestyle could lead to arthritis. Symptoms such as knee pain, ankle pain, and joints pain could be a sign that you are suffering from arthritis. Do not avoid the symptoms. Seeking medical advice at an early stage could help you keep arthritis and arthritis pain relief products at bay. Doing exercise could be difficult for seniors, but a little exercise is essential to keep your bones and joints healthy and to ensure that the knee pain doesn't deter you from enjoying your golden days.
2. Cancer: 
Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases that affect not only seniors, but also people from other age groups. It is the second most cause of death amongst people of over 65 years with 413,885 deaths in 2014, reveals a survey. The CDC reports that 21% of women and 28% of men of over 65 years are living with Cancer.
If detected early, cancer is curable. However, there is no sure shot way of curing cancer. There are ways to reduce the suffering and the side effects of the medicines.
Joint pains, knee pain, sore throat, and weakness are few of the many side effects of the medicines that cure cancer.
3. Alzheimer's:
One in nine people of age 65 and above suffers from Alzheimer's, which is nearly 11%, reveals the Alzheimer's Association. This disease can influence the well-being of the sufferer and their family too. It is important to deal with it patiently, be open about it, and seek medical assistance. Because this disease is related to brain and memory, the family members must take special care about the safety of the patient.
4. Osteoporosis: 
Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become weak and brittle. Although treatment can help, the condition cannot be completely cured. Therefore, is very important to identify Osteoporosis at an early stage and treat it immediately. Many people have no symptoms of Osteoporosis until they have a bone fracture. Chronic knee pain could be a sign that your bones need assistance. One must use knee brace, and ankle brace to prevent falling and collapsing.
5. Falls:
As the body ages, the strength of the body and the health of the bones and joints begin to deplete. Because of which, people become prone to falling. Every year nearly 2.5 million people of over 65 years are taken to the hospital because of falling, states CDC. The recovery process also slows down as we age, therefore such falls could lead to partial or complete immobility. It is important to treat early signs such as knee pain, trembling legs, weak joints immediately. Eating things that are rich in calcium and vitamins could help in keeping the joints and knees healthy. This would prevent knee pain and falls.
Older people are advised to wear knee braces, ankle braces, and walk with a supporter to prevent mishaps & they must follow proper diet by eating things that are rich in calcium and vitamins could help in keeping the joints and knees healthy. Visit -

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Saturday 24 November 2018

How To Get Ready To Grow Old

Growing old is for everyone - yep, even you - so it could be a good idea to prepare for that time. You think you're always going to be as young as you are now, but it doesn't work that way. While 70 might seem a long way off, you'll get there soon and have no idea where the time went. Here's what you can do to ready yourself.
  1. It's all about attitude: never think of yourself as old. As George Burns said, 'You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old'.
  2. Then there's looking after yourself: you only have one body. A great deal of your experience of ageing 'gracefully' will revolve around the state of your health - physical, mental, spiritual. Make sure you're prepared by:
  • Maintaining fitness - gym(ing), lifting weights, walking, keeping your legs strong by doing squats.
  • Strengthening your core muscles so you'll avoid falling over and breaking anything - yoga is great.
  • Quitting smoking.
  • Stopping sun worshipping and always wearing sunblock.
  • Encouraging friendships.
  • Avoiding eating junk food. You be the one who decides what goes into your mouth.
  • Getting to a good weight for you and staying there. Overweight oldies experience all sorts of extra inconveniences.
  • Taking care of your mind - exposing yourself to high-quality things and meditating daily.
  • Looking on life as lightheartedly as you can. Smiling a lot! Living the worst-case-scenario life by asking yourself when you're feeling 'low', will this matter in five months or five years?
  • Stopping being a worrywart. As Mark Twain said, 'I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened'.
  • Using what's available to improve the quality of your life - sight and hearing tests, regular dental checkups, financial planning, etc.
While you've probably heard the saying, 'Old age sucks', but by preparing now, you'll find that it doesn't suck nearly as much as you thought it would.

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What I Ate In A Day To LOSE WEIGHT: 20 KGS!

Great Benefits of Kettlebell Training

A Kettlebell is a piece of exercise equipment that strongly resembles a cannonball with a handle attached to it. These items are generally made from cast iron or cast steel. They were developed back in the 1700s in Russia. They have been used by athletes to increase their strength and they were even used by the Soviet army in their physical training for their troops.
Some Kettlebells are actually bags filled with sand instead of the cast iron cannonballs, but even the bags are uniquely shaped so they provide an unstable force. These items are often used in swinging motions and they provide excellent cardiovascular responses and they provide good strength training without the person having to repeat one exercise for several repetitions over a long period of time.
• Provides as much, if not more, cardio exercise as a treadmill does
• Can help you create functional strength in muscles without your having to do monotonous isolated repetitions
• Creates flexibility without requiring long, tedious poses
• It is a combination of strength training and cardio training
• You do not need a lot of expensive equipment to do the exercises
• Anyone, of any shape, size, or age can do some type of Kettlebell exercises
• The exercises are not boring because there is such a variety of things you can do
• This is the perfect exercise for people who have a limited amount of time to devote to their daily exercise regimen
• Kettlebell exercises helps to create a denser muscle mass and muscle burns more calories so it eliminates fat stores in the body at a higher rate than if you were simply engaging in cardio exercises. Cardio exercises get the blood flowing and improves circulation but when you really want to burn the fat away you have to include strength training
• Is effective at working every muscle in your body
• Kettlebells help to strengthen ligaments and tendons. The increased strength of ligaments and tendons means your joints will be stronger and less likely to be injured
• Kettlebell exercises do not cause women to bulk up in muscle mass like lifting traditional barbells will.
• It is very easy to learn how to use the Kettlebell exercises
• Kettlebell exercises increase your coordination
So exercising Kettlebells can not only be very much helpful for the athletes and they can increase their strength with the help of Kettlebells but also it can help other people too if they exercise it.
Using a Kettlebell will help you to get into shape faster with less stress on your joints. For help with Kettlebell workouts contact the experts at Zero Gravity Fitness.

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Friday 23 November 2018

Benefits of Dance for Older People

Dancing is a past time enjoyed by many both young and old across the world on a daily basis. Whether it is dancing whilst listening to music whilst doing the housework or attending a weekly salsa class the beauty of dance is that it is really for everyone and can be enjoyed at any time.
However we would like to highlight the benefits of dance particularly for older adults.
Promotes physical activity
Older people are less likely to exercise however those who partake in regular physical activity are more likely to live longer as they maintain their balance, strength gait and cardiovascular health. Dance is great for older adults as it is a low level exercise that works all of the body from head to toe and encourages moving through a space, gets the heart pumping and provides the opportunity to gently move and stretch.
Promotes cognitive function
Older people typically experience a progressive decline in cognitive ability, memory and reaction time as they age. Learning dance steps and sequences can be mentally demanding and is a skill that needs to be developed but dancers are known to maximize cognitive function and muscle memory through practice. Dance also challenges reaction time and perception because of the quick thinking that is required to remember what step comes next.
Promotes Social Inclusion
Older people are especially vulnerable to loneliness and social isolation. Dance is a social activity where people meet weekly and form friendships. The best dance classes are the ones where the dancers go and have a coffee and a chat afterwards reducing the feeling of loneliness and isolation.
Improves mental wellbeing
Older people are more vulnerable to experiencing mental health problems, with depression affecting around 22% of men and 28% of women aged 65 years and over. Dance can help to reduce stress, increases levels of the feel-good hormone serotonin, and helps to develop new neural connections, especially in regions involved in executive function, long-term memory, and spatial recognition. Dance which is a meaningful activity can also encourage individuals to focus on activity for a sustained period and help individuals feel a sense of achievement when they have learnt the steps to a challenging routine.
Promotes self-expression
Older people may not get the opportunity to express their creativity and perhaps are no longer self-aware. Dancing can be powerful energy release that can release tension and provide you with the opportunity to explore your own range of movement and feelings. If you choose to dance to music then there are the added benefits of having songs as a stimulus which can also enhance your mood and also perhaps encourage reminisce.
So dust off your dancing shoes and Keep Dancing.
To find out more about opportunities for older adults take a look at

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How To Lose Visceral Fat – It's Not As Hard As You Think!

Five Reasons Why You Need To Eat Fruits Everyday

The best gift that Mother Nature gives to us are fruits. They are filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, too. They can be sweet, sour, or at times bitter. They are as well varied in shapes, colors and sizes. They are, without question, healthy to eat. They can be picked directly from one's backyard or farm and can be purchased at the supermarket for a few dollars. They exist everywhere. There's no reason why you can't have them now.
Now, are you ready to know the five reasons why you need to eat fruits every day? If you are, then I'm going to discuss it right now.
Full of Nutrients
They are full of nutrients, specifically vitamins and minerals. They're packed with anti-oxidants, too. They're excellent for your health because they naturally contain nutrients and anti-oxidants. Certain fruits provide certain nutrients, to ensure that you get the right balance and combination of nutrients, eating lots of varieties of fruits is a wise idea. You can combine bananas with other fruits such as apples, grapes, mangoes, turnips, and water melons, among others. The choice is yours.
Provide Energy
They provide energy naturally. They are energy boosters. If you desire to obtain energy the natural way, eating fruits regularly is the way to do it. Eating them before and after exercise is a great idea. With it, energy of yours is not lost no matter how hard you exercise. So, don't forget to eat fruits if you plan to exercise today.
Good for the Skin
They are good for the skin. They after all contain lots of water and fiber. Individuals with good-looking, healthy skin are usually fruit eaters. If you want to be one of them, then do not forget to chew any kinds of fruit any minute or any time of the day. When you're eating them on a regular basis, you'll be ending up with clear, healthy, glowing skin. And that's a fact.
Eliminate Certain Illnesses
They can be your natural medicines. They are free from toxic or unwanted chemicals. Thus, using them as natural medicines to certain illnesses is a fantastic idea. For instance, if you have high blood pressure or asthma and you want these illnesses to be cured the natural way, eating any types of fruit regularly is your best solution. It is through it that you're able to redeem your old back self again, that is healthy and strong. Such strategy has been used for over a century already.
Perfect for Sleeping
They are perfect for sleeping. Bananas and nuts are the best examples of that. Mentioned fruits are termed as natural sleeping pills to some individuals. Bananas and nuts have certain elements that would help you sleep better and soundly at night. That explains why some individuals would take in bananas and nuts prior to sleeping.
Those are the five reasons why you need to eat fruits every day. I'm sure that the only thing that you want to do at the moment is to eat fruits. Am I right?
I'm not perfect. Nobody is perfect. Life is meant to be imperfect. Imperfections will make us better individuals. And that's the truth.

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Thursday 22 November 2018

How To Cook Food More Nutritiously

Eating nutritious food is not an option, it's a necessity for a healthy life. With majority of the world's population suffering from one or more kind of nutritional deficiency, it becomes even more important to make sure your food has all the essential nutrients in sufficient quantity.
For a healthy and nutritious diet, you need to cook your meals in the healthiest way possible - by choosing healthy ingredients and cooking it in the healthiest way possible. Here are the steps to cook food nutritiously:
Cook on Medium Heat:
The amount of heat your food cooks at greatly decides its nutritional outcome. Overcooking it would not only deprive your taste buds of the natural tastes but would also destroy delicate nutrients (like complex carbs). It is, thus, advised to cook food at medium heat. It will also prevent it from burning or sticking to the bottom of the cooking pot. Even at medium heat most cookware being made from metals or ceramic (unnatural material) destroy delicate nutrients. Keep reading to find out how this can be fully prevented.
Wash or Rinse foods the right way:
Different foods need to be washed differently to preserve their nutrients. Generally, for most vegetables, it is recommended to wash them right before you cut for those water-soluble nutrients to stay locked in. Avoid soaking your vegetables, as that can remove key nutrients, such as vitamin C.
Don't overcook vegetables:
Overcooking vegetables makes them mushy and they taste quite bland. It's important to cook them for just the right duration so they neither remain uncooked nor overcooked. Cooking for too long also reduces their nutritional value by breaking down the nutrients at molecular level.
Always use the right cookware, it makes a big difference!
The cookware makes a big difference to the health of your food. Most conventional metal and ceramic cookware make food unhealthy by contaminating it with reactive metal toxins and destroying nutrients with their harsh heat. You can make your food way more nutritious by choosing the right cookware - healthy and non-toxic pure-clay pots. Pure clay is naturally inert so doesn't react with food a biochemical entity, and their unique far infrared heat keeps nutrients intact.
Steam management is another important aspect of cooking healthy. Most of the steam generated in food is water-soluble nutrients. Out of the 13 essential vitamins and minerals, 9 are water-soluble, which means they dissolve in water, are quickly used in the body and need to be replenished every day - the body doesn't store them. With conventional cookware, as steam constantly leaves the pot so do the water-soluble nutrients, cooked food remains deficient in one more way.
Pure clay pots can be ergonomically designed to naturally and fully harness the goodness of nature, so the rising steam touches the inner surface of the lid, condense, and drops back into the food instead of exiting the pot like with metals.
By taking care of these little things you can make sure you are cooking your food in the healthiest way possible and your body is getting all the nutrients it needs.
Hi I am Sharon Ray and I enjoyed writing about this natural way of cooking food more nutritiously. Miriam's Earthen Cookware makes these all-natural pure-clay pressure cookers in the USA. Their mission is to provide to the consumer a 100% healthy & green alternative to cooking that has no metals, toxins & other chemical contaminants. I greatly enjoy using them, I hope you can check them out here:

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Best Ways to Lose Fat for Women Over 40 - The truth

7 Tips For Eating Healthy When You're On A Tight Budget

When it comes to eating healthy, most people think it's impossible when they're on a tight budget. I'm here to share with you exactly how to shop and eat healthy while keeping your grocery bill low. I promise you eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive and you'll get the most bang for your buck. Sure, it would be amazing to eat only organic food, free range eggs and meats, but for now let's keep it simple and stick with whole foods and eating in season for saving money. Check out these 7 money-saving tips and strategies below:
1. Start by setting your weekly or monthly budget for food and stick to it!
This may involve a little extra work by reviewing all of your expenses but set up your budget and stay consistent. Keep track of your spending by reviewing your online banking or keep a physical notebook in your pocket.
2. Take an inventory at home and set up your meal plan
This will be your grocery list. Make sure you know what you already have in your cupboards that can be eaten or used in a recipe. You'd be surprised what might still be hanging around in your cupboards for example; flours and cans of beans - you can make your own bread, cookies and soups with these! Decide on the meals you want to eat for the week, a quick Google search will give you hundreds of healthy recipes so you can buy your ingredients accordingly.
3. Keep on top of the weekly sales at your grocery store
Most grocery stores send out flyers or they have their sales listed online. Review this before you shop and plan accordingly. If you have coupons then be sure to make use of those too. Perhaps with the money you save from coupons you can apply that money to any outstanding loans and debt even if it's just a few dollars (this is will be whole other article).
4. Buy in bulk
Try buying your staple foods in bulk such as oats, rice and beans. You're more likely to save money in the long-run because of a larger purchase at a discount. If there happens to be a bulk food store in your area shop there to save money on packaging and a brand name.
5. Stick to whole foods rather than processed foods
Your whole food choices are going to be the healthier and more nutrient-dense choices. Whole foods are actually less expensive than buying boxes or packages of processed food that provide little to no nutritional value. Why spend $4 on a box of a few sugary snack bars when you can spend $4 and get a bag of several apples or a big 10 lb bag of potatoes?
Here is a list of a few inexpensive whole food options:
Oats, rice, potatoes, dried lentils, beans, bananas, fresh bagged spinach, frozen vegetables and berries
6. Look for the sale rack or discounted items
Most grocery stores will have these special racks for produce that no longer "look" as pretty and they will be marked down in price. If there isn't any mold on the fruit or veggies it's still fine to eat! Also consider finding out when the store gets their delivery of produce and meats so you can shop the evening before and maximize on all the discounted items. Just be sure to cook or freeze any meats right away because they are more than likely close to their best before date.
7. Buy fruits and veggies with the seasons and freeze the extras
Seasonal fruits and vegetables are usually less expensive than the fruits and vegetables that are not in season. Local produce especially at your nearest farmer's market is going to be the least expensive. Remember, we need to eat fruits and vegetables for good health and energy - they are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that protect our cells. Freeze any leftovers you have before anything goes bad and needs to be thrown out.
In summary, eating healthy on a tight budget doesn't have to be difficult. It takes a little bit of planning ahead with smart shopping strategies and you will be successful - your body will thank you too!

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Wednesday 21 November 2018

Why Do We Lose Muscle Mass As We Age?

On average, by the time we reach the age 60 we lose about 30 percent of our muscle mass. These are the things most people take for granted because of age. The first thought is right, no one can stop ageing, however, we can change most of the age - related issues that come along with it. Muscle loss is no different to other things that come along with ageing.
Reasons for Losing Muscles!
There are several reasons for any health issues that come along with age and muscle loss isn't the only one. Yes, our body slows down with age, for some sooner than others. Retirement means less activity, longer nights and shorter days. Some of our habits change and so does our lifestyle. That means there are things we don't have to do any longer, at least not every day. These are things our body is reacting to and brings along changes and issues. In retirement, for most people one of the most enjoyments of life is doing less or as little as possible and the body will react to this. This is one way of losing muscle and putting on weight, there are many others such as diet, nutrition, exercise, activities etc.
The diet is the first thing to question, is it lacking some of the things the body needs to build muscle? Minerals, which is most common our body can miss minerals without noticing anything for some time. Vitamins and protein, we know protein builds muscle. But, wait a minute, don't just rush of to the store for a protein shake, or some spirulina supplement which is worthless as a protein source.
Not only the Diet
Where does protein come from? It's not only the diet or exercise, although an important part of it. At an older age the body produces less or is harder for the body to make protein. Not having enough protein, we lose muscle mass that could mean the hair gets brittle, the immune system becomes sluggish, the bones become weaker and brittle subject to fracture and breakage, as well sagging of the skin. That's not all, lack of protein can bring on anxiety, depression, the sex drive suffers, these are just the major things that can happen. Yes, the diet like in many health issues has a lot to do with it. We assume that all the protein comes from the diet and what we eat, but that is not the only source of protein.
Proteins made by the body with the help of the right diet, so the body can make amino acids where the proteins come from. The other problem with age comes absorption or lack of it. It is not always the case that proteins made by the body from the diet used to build muscles. Because lack of absorption, protein can turn into excess glucose and not used only for muscles. The same can apply to any supplement pills you take; the absorption may only be a small percentage, and most is of no benefit. Unless a mixture of things you take together is right the body misses out.
For instance, the highest source of dietary protein is in whole eggs, do not remove the yolk like some trying to tell you, make sure to use whole - egg. Eggs have an AAU (Amino Acid Utilization) of 47 percent. As well as fish, meat, poultry, they all have an AAU content of about 32 percent. For the body to work at its best so it can produce enough protein to build muscles, the digestive enzymes must also function properly. If the digestive system works correctly the amino acids will go directly into the bloodstream. This than becomes the building block for hormones, enzymes, connecting tissues, bone and muscles. That's why the digestive function is so important for absorption, as well the right combination of the things we take. Otherwise all the things you have taken including the right food, instead making protein any extra amino acids get turned into sugar, which is not the outcome you want.
Supplementation a must.
With age also comes rejection of absorption which is also a problem for the digestive system. This happens when certain minerals and vitamins are not available from a normal diet. A multi natural supplement should have all the ingredients to keep a normal immune system function, protect the body from oxidative damage, help the body to make folic acid that assists in normal blood formation and cell division.
A supplement designed to contain lipid - soluble elements, maximizing bioavailability of these nutrients for absorption. It should have a proprietary combination of vitamin E, B and omega - 3s (EPA and DHA) derived only from natural source, not synthetics. Nitric oxide: The molecule of life, nitro oxide is a gas with chemical formula N - O: One molecule of nitrogen bonds to one molecule of oxygen. Nitro oxide is something new, not many know about this special discovery from the mid-nineties. It is a natural medicine for your heart, blood vessels and in general for cardiovascular health and more.
These are the main ingredients to take: Morning; A delicious blend of super fruit's juice (30 ml pouch.) Midday; Nitric Oxide in drops. Evening; Omega - 3 Capsules, to help build muscles. This will also improve absorption, as well the best possible benefits you can get from the right supplement. No others created better than this one.
My name is Josef Bichler. Having successfully overcome several of my own health challenges by using natural means. I believe that sharing information can help others to take control of their own health problems. For more ongoing health information as well how to source the best supplements available and chemical free products subscribe to my FREE weekly newsletter. This also gives you the opportunity for comments, suggestions and questions you may have, as well download my FREE E - BOOK to help making better food choices:

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10 Minute Kettlebell Workout for an efficient Total Body Workout

Why Fitness Is The Essence Of Overall Wellness
If you are looking forward to overall wellness, then you have got to know that fitness is the essence of it. Unlike the popular perception, achieving fitness is not that difficult. You can't judge the fitness of a person by just looking at that person. Experiences have taught me that the fittest looking person might not be the one who impresses you with his or her fitness levels. So, it's pointless to have unrealistic views about fitness. As far as fitness is concerned, the health of your heart is extremely important. Probably, you lack a typically "fit" looking body. But that doesn't mean that you are not fit. You can be fit irrespective of the way your body looks. Cardio fitness is the real measure for fitness. If you are really serious about fitness, then you have to channel your energies to improve the health of your heart. When your heart is healthy, other aspects like increased lung capacity, strong bones, strong muscles, weight loss etc. will follow.
Understanding the concept of fitness
In today's world obsessed with fitness, we have complicated the concept of fitness. According to the basic definition, fitness is all about your ability carry out your daily chores without fatigue. A fit person will be able to carry out his chores with alertness and vigour. Back in the day, people used to have that ability. They were all physically active. They were all fit. So, there was no need to talk about fitness. However, things have changed a lot. Lifestyle diseases have become common these days. We do very less physical activities as our jobs force us to stay glued to our seats all day long with zero physical activity. And that has contributed to lot of lifestyle diseases. No wonder why we talk about fitness more these days because we are all worried about our fitness levels. Lack of physical activities made us susceptible to all sorts of health problems.
Significance of fitness
The sedentary lifestyle has made way for lot of diseases. And people have realized the significance of regular exercise to stay fit. However, not too many are able to follow it given the hectic lifestyle. If you want to stay away from many diseases, then it is important to do cardio exercise on a regular basis. As we all know, heart disease has been one of the notorious silent killers. Stroke, diabetes, colon cancer etc. are other diseases which are connected to lack of fitness. There are plenty of benefits for regular exercise. Besides the health benefits, you will be able to control your weight as well. In turn, you will be able to fight aging too.
Psychological benefits of exercise
Exercise has many psychological benefits as well. When you exercise, it releases the feel good hormone endorphins, which significantly reduces stress. And it will elevate your mood as well. It has the ability to fight depression as well. If you are one those fitness freaks who exercise on a daily basis, then you will have a positive attitude towards life. Also, you tend to have better self-esteem. Exercise gives you better sleep at night. You never complain about fatigue either. Last but not least, regular exercise can improve your memory as well.
The amount of exercise to stay fit
Well, this has been a hotly debated topic for years. Different people will give different advice. But one thing is definite - regular exercise is the best strategy. How long should you exercise? Well, 30 minutes a day would be more than enough. And if you are able to extend to an hour then it is better. Some people would suggest that doing exercise 5 times a week is a good strategy. Well, doing it every day is a far more effective strategy. Exercise is like drinking coffee. Your brain gets addicted to the feel good hormones and craves for it every day. For the same reason, your brain will remind you to do exercise every day. That's like following a natural clock. Your brain knows what is best for your body. Therefore, doing it every day will make it easier for you to get adjusted to the natural cycle.
Remember, fitness is the key to your overall well-being. So, it is time for you to embrace it!
If you wish to learn more about fitness and health, then you can visit This website has all the information you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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