Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Do you know that people consume flaxseeds as food since the time immemorial? The historians say that these seeds are known to people about 6000 years ago. There are documents to prove that this might have been the world's first cultivated super-food. This rekindled the interest of the people in its properties. That was how the research on this particular food from nature had begun. In nut shell, the contents of flaxseed are found to aid digestion, lower cholesterol, improve the skin health, fight cancer, balance hormones, lower sugar cravings and promote weight loss. This research result is just the beginning of a new world of healthy living. In this article, we would look into the advantages of flaxseed.
Benefits of Flaxseed
People call flaxseeds as linseeds in some places. They are small differently colored seeds that come in brown, golden and tan colors. According to the biochemists, these seeds are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, especially alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). These unsaturated fatty acids help us to make several compounds to fight disease. Our body makes use of these compounds to create grey matter in our brain.
1. They are rich sources of lignans that form major part of food we consume. They are found to contain 7 times more lignans than any other plant source.
2. These seeds have high fiber content, especially mucilage gum. It has a curing effect on the intestinal tracts and aids in bowel movement.
3. Applying two table-spoons of flaxseed oil helps people keep hair, skin and nails healthy.
4. Alpha-linolenic acid found in these seeds benefits skin and improve its texture so that it glows. It also reduces inflammation on the skin.
5. Walnuts work in tandem with flaxseeds to lower fat absorption. These seeds also support weight loss. The fibers make the stomach feel full so that you eat fewer calories of food.
6. Adding linseeds in your diet will automatically bring down the cholesterol level in blood. The soluble fibers present in the seeds trap cholesterol and lower its absorption in the body.
7. The flaxseeds are gluten-free. It is an excellent replacement for gluten-rich grains that are inflammatory.
8. Another plus point for these seeds is the presence of antioxidants. In fact, these seeds are found to have huge reservoir of antioxidants.
9. Flaxseeds improve overall digestive health. Alpha Linolenic acid present in these seeds protects the lining of the digestive tract.
10. The contents present in these seeds also offer protection against the deadly disease of cancer.
Flaxseeds are rich in compounds that have medicinal properties. In this article, we would be looking at the properties of flaxseeds for the benefit of health-conscious readers. For more such information, they can visit the link http://tvmbala.blogspot.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9507139


Monday, 20 January 2020

The Benefits of Swimming Over Running

Whether you choose to run or swim, they both help you lose weight and improve cardio fitness. It's just the advantages of swimming outweigh those of running for many reasons.
What's so good about Swimming?
  • Resistance effect in water - strengthens the body
  • Burns Calories
  • Keeps blood pressure down - good cardiovascular workout without straining the heart.
  • Weightlessness of water - no stress on the joints, lengthens the spine
Resistance Effect
A great natural advantage to swimming is the resistance effect. Water is 1000 times more dense than air, so when you swim, it's like weight training without the dumbbells. The water itself is your weight training.
You get a full body workout when you swim that puts little stress on your joints. You engage the muscles of the upper and lower body. This includes the legs, core, the upper and lower back, the arms, shoulders and chest.
Just like weight training, swimming engages and tones muscle due to the resistance. Although running is a great cardio workout, it does little to enhance a dynamic muscular body.
Burns the Calories
A moderate-intensity workout classifies keeping your heart-rate at 50-70 % of maximum heart rate.
A rigorous workout runs at 70-85 % max heart-rate. After an intensive 30 minute breaststroke swim, you can burn up to 300 calories. This can vary according to your weight. The heavier you are, the more calories you burn. By burning 500 calories more than you eat every day, you can lose a pound of fat a week. Okay, this does not sound much. But think long-term. After a month you can lose about 4-5 pounds - almost half a stone. Multiply that by 6 months and you have lost 2 stone of body fat.
Why Swimming helps the Heart Work More Efficiently?
When the body is in an upright position (e.g. when run or jump),the heart has to work hard to pump blood and oxygen to and from the lower extremities. This increase demand on the heart can lead to spikes in blood pressure - not good for the heart.
The American College of Sports Medicine states: 'Swimming works the cardiovascular system without causing major increases in blood pressure.' Because the body is in a horizontal position whilst swimming, the heart does have to work as hard. There is almost no gravity involved, so the blood pressure stays down.
The Weightlessness of Water
Yet another benefit swimming has over running, is the weightlessness effect in water. At the end of every stroke - breast stroke, freestyle etc, your body stretches out. Because the water holds your body up, it enables you to stretch out whilst in motion. The spine can then lengthen, elongating the gaps between the vertebrae.
Physiotherapists encourage patients with disc problems to swim because of this spine lengthening effect. It takes pressure off the discs.
Benefits and Risks of Running
Running generally has great benefits.
It reduces the chances of contracting:-
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Cardiovascular disease
It improves:-
  • Bone density
  • Weight control
The risks of long distance running without a supervised trainer needs consideration though. They can advice you on nutrition, rest and good running technique. For safety reasons:- A medical check to look out for heart conditions, bio mechanical issues or other risk factors are a must.
Marathon running over extends the immune system. It makes the body produce excessive amounts of cortisol to reduce swelling. The advice to runners is to increase vitamin C, get plenty of sleep and avoid outside stresses. This helps recuperation and boosts immunity.
To Sum Up
I do not want to put runners off what they obviously love doing. It's health benefits are undeniable. However, long distance running does put enormous strains on the ankle, hip and knee joints.
Swimming has pluses for strength, weight loss, low joint stress and cardiovascular endurance.
There's no negative points about swimming apart from the necessity to learn how to swim. It can be a problem for many who were not introduced to the water at an early age. I say, it's never too late to learn. Swimming lessons are not expensive and there are plenty of instructors pool side whatever venue you choose.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9886570

My Diet + Exercise Routine | Over 50

Sunday, 19 January 2020

Fitness Is About Health and Staying Healthy Is About Good Body Maintenance

Some are born with an inbuilt knowledge of what one's body needs. Others are easily misguided and led by fashion, popularity, and peer pressure into things that should be avoided. There is also the bodies willingness or otherwise to partake of harmful substances. In my case my body could not tolerate chemicals or anything that affected the brain. This was guided by my keen desire for knowledge and making my intelligence number one.
The lessons learned are that what we do when we are young has an impact on ageing and on what diseases and handicaps we will face as the years pile up. Good body maintenance is about avoiding anything toxic and that includes even dangerous rides at carnivals.
The latest fad is to take rides on vehicles that cause a drop and sudden stop, as in some crazy fairground roller coaster adventures. Watching one of these recently it was hard for me to believe that people not only put their own bodies at risk but that of their children in the name of having fun. The human brain is soft and very easily damaged.
The body warns of impending danger through the adrenalin glands and the sensation that many find addictive. As adrenalin flows it increases the heart rate and provides us with a flight or fight experience. In other words, it prepares for recovery from harm.
As the body jerks into a sudden stop the cranium and brain collide. This causes a degree of bruising and can even result in death or paralysis. But that doesn't have to happen immediately as delayed response may see the effects of concussion several hours or even a day after the event.
Headaches; nausea; dizziness; memory problems; irritability; as well as balance and sleeping difficulties may follow. Look at these symptoms and compare them to those of Alzheimer's or dementia patients. With the latter there are huge changes in brain functions that include memory loss.While there is no proven correlation to support the linking of the two it doesn't mean it is not correct.
Drugs also affect the brain and taking pills on a regular basis may also be leading to the onset of Alzheimer's or dementia. While there are no studies to prove this is the case it's still a matter of common sense.
If one is looking for a fitness regime then start with the brain and all other things will surely follow. It has the ability to tell us when we are going wrong. Drugs, on the other hand, interfere with that side of nature. We educate the brain by what we do to our bodies. If we stuff ourselves with things like sweets and alcohol, and tell it that the odd adrenalin rush is OK, then changes in that vital organ will impel us to take more of it.
Norma Holt has knowledge that enables her to understand many issues. Politics, health, social and behavioural problems are usually on her list for discussion as well as anything to do with the Spirit of the Universe and reincarnation, which she experienced. She is happy to hear from any of her readers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10190098

Healthy Aging: Promoting Well-being in Older Adults