Tuesday 21 August 2018

Fitness Over 40 - Frequently Asked Questions

A lot of people are aware of the in need to get into health and fitness, especially health and fitness over 40. In this article, I will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about fitness for over 40.
What is the minimum amount of exercise I can do in a week?
The generally accepted frequency for cardiovascular or heart rate fitness is 3 to 5 sessions, lasting from twenty minutes to half an hour. However, it is possible to get positive and worthwhile benefits from as little as 2 twenty minute to half-hour sessions per week.
How do I monitor my heart rate while I'm actually working out?
You can easily monitor your heart rate while you're working out, by being aware as to how laboured your breathing is. If you can talk comfortably while doing your exercise routine you probably need to work out a bit harder. When you reach the point at which you can't talk comfortably, but you're not gasping for breath, you should be performing your exercise routine at somewhere near the right level.
How do I increase my level of fitness without increasing the length of my exercise routines?
If, when performing your fitness routine, you keep your breathing pattern at the point where it is difficult but not impossible to talk to someone, your level of health and fitness will gradually increase naturally.
Do I need a lot of expensive equipment or gym membership?
In a single word no! There are plenty of simple exercises that you can do with little or no equipment. So you can find the exercises that suit you the best, then once you're comfortable with them you can move on to different and more difficult exercise. You can get an exercise DVD or fitness workouts from books from your local library or Amazon.
The only thing stopping you starting a fitness over 40 fitness routine is you. So get started today.

Derek is a 46 year old who suffers with severe asthma and lower back problems. This has made it almost impossible for him to enjoy sports or any kind of strenuous physical activity. But as he gets older it's vital for him to stay fit and healthy. So he's decided to go out and find easy, alternative ways ANYONE can get fit without endlessly puffing away on treadmills, without expensive gym memberships or enduring hours of exercise. Now at last you can get healthy... and STAY healthy for life.... with these lazy, efficient and quick methods I've discovered. Sign up for my FREE newsletter and report Getting Fit Over 40 [http://fitover40information.co.uk/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4800345

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