Sunday, 30 September 2018

Healthy Eating - Three Reasons To Rethink Including Milk in Your Diet

Are you a fan of cow's milk? If so, it may be time to rethink the inclusion of cow's milk in your diet. While milk is an excellent source of calcium, many drawbacks you need to be aware of can come from cow's milk.
Milk contains several different carbohydrates including... 
  • lactose,
  • glucose,
  • galactose,
and other oligosaccharides containing a small number of simple sugars. Lactose gives milk a sweet taste and gives rise to approximately 40% of the total calorie count.
Let us take a closer look at what some of the drawbacks are and how they may be negatively impacting you...
1. The Sugar Content. Let us begin with the obvious - the sugar content. Taking in too much sugar from any source is never good for your body, and milk is full of it. With over 10 grams of sugar per cup, it adds up quickly.
If you drink the standard recommendation of three glasses of milk a day, that is a whopping 30+ grams of sugar you are consuming. This much sugar is more than anyone needs, especially if you are looking to prevent or manage Type 2 diabetes.
2. The Lactose Content. The next issue is the lactose content. Lactose is the sugar found in milk, but it also causes other problems. For many, lactose leads to... 
  • gas,
  • bloating,
  • diarrhea,
  • stomach cramps, and
many other undesirable digestive symptoms. While you can take lactase to ease your discomfort, this is far from ideal. Most people tend to do better on a lactose-free diet plan.
3. The Hormones. Finally, there may be hormones in the milk you are consuming. Many farmers are using hormones as they want to raise large cattle: these hormones may then be transferred to your body as a result of this.
The hormones given to the cattle can lead to problems with your hormonal levels if you are not careful. They may also be responsible for inflammation and other health concerns for you.
As you can see, cow's milk is not exactly ideal. Will the odd glass here and there hurt you? Likely not. But drink a few cups a day, and you could be looking at having a few health problems if you are not careful. Instead, try unsweetened almond or coconut milk. Both are superior choices, contain no sugar, and are lower in calories as well. They will comfortably fit into your diet and can be used in recipes in place of the usual cow's milk.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.
For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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7 Health Problems Connected With Obesity

Often people blame junk or processed foods for their obesity problem. If a person weighs more than 20% of the normal weight considering his/her height, then he/she is considered as an obese person.
However, you need to keep in mind that not every obese person would have all these health issues. Also, the risk of developing health issues increases, if someone in your family suffers from it.
Check out some health issues that are connected to obesity or overweight people.
1. Heart Problems
Excess fat can make an individual more inclined to have high BP and elevated levels of cholesterol. Both of these conditions are top reasons behind the occurrence of different types of heart problems or stroke. Fortunately, even losing a small amount of weight can decrease the odds of getting affected by heart problems or a stroke. You can lower the chances of heart issues by simply losing around 10% of your bodyweight.
2. Type 2 Diabetes
The majority of people who get affected by Type 2 diabetes suffer from obesity. You can take various steps to reduce the odds of getting affected by Type 2 diabetes, such as,
• By losing weight
• Having a balanced diet
• Exercising regularly
• Sleeping adequately
If you already have Type 2 Diabetes, then you can control the levels of blood sugar by staying more active physically and by losing weight as well. More physically active means that you require less medication to control your diabetes.
3. Gallbladder Disease
If an individual is overweight, then the chances of getting a gallbladder infection and gallstones are higher. Unexpectedly, weight reduction itself, especially fast weight reduction or loss excessive weight, can make you more prone to getting affected from gallstones. However, you'll be less likely to get gallstones if you lose weight around 1 or 2 kilograms per week.
4. Cancer
It's quite shocking to know that different types of cancers that are connected with body parts such as colon, breast, kidney, endometrium, and esophagus are connected to obesity. A few examinations and researches have seen connections among cancers of the gallbladder, pancreas, ovaries, and with obesity problem.
5. Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a joint problem that affects the hip, back, or knee of the patient. Due to the excess weight, extra pressure is put on the joints, which damages the cartilage eventually. You can reduce the stress on your lower back, knees, and hips by simply choosing weight loss, which may also improve your osteoarthritis condition.
6. Gout
The joints of an individual are affected with this health condition. This problem occurs when there's an excess amount of uric acid present in the blood, which eventually converts into crystal form that gets stored in the joints. You'll be surprised to know that gout affects fat or obese more compared to healthy people. In fact, the chances of getting gout increase if a person is overweight. However, you need to consult your doctor if you already have gout and planning to lose weight.
7. Sleep Apnea
It's true that sleep apnea is connected with obesity problem. Sleep apnea is a breathing problem that develops snoring problem is disruptive breathing while sleeping. Sleep apnea is often the reason behind daytime drowsiness and increases the odds of stroke or heart problems. However, it has been seen the proper weight loss improves sleep apnea significantly.

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Friday, 28 September 2018

The Many Benefits Of Good Posture

Having good posture is an important part of remaining healthy. IT helps you avoid back pain and premature wear on your bones, improves lung performance, and much more. In this article, we will explain what good posture is before explaining the many benefits that it provides.
What is good posture?
Posture is the form that your body takes when you are sitting, standing, and laying down. Maintaining "good" posture is positioning your body so there is less strain placed upon your body's muscles and ligaments when in these positions.
It requires your body to be as close to its natural shape as possible. So if you are sitting down, this would mean:
  • Keeping your chin up and looking forward
  • Keeping your shoulders back (not slouching)
  • Bending your knees at a right angle
  • Keeping your feet flat on the floor
  • Keeping your back straight enough that all 3 natural curves of the spine are present.
Sitting with good posture distributes weight more evenly across your muscle groups - helping you avoid neck, shoulder and back pain. It also allows you to comfortably work for longer periods and avoid some serious long-term health problems.
Having a chair with lumbar support will help you maintain good back posture.
What are the benefits of good posture?
Protects your future health
Having good posture will keep your joints correctly aligned, protecting the joint surfaces from abnormal wear-and-tear. By preventing this type of wear-and-tear, you can lower your risk of various illnesses including arthritis and postural hunchback.
It makes it easier to breathe
The diaphragm is a large muscle that is responsible for respiration. When the diaphragm moves, it changes how much pressure there is within the thorax - causing air to either enter or exit the lungs.
Posture affects breathing because it changes how much room the diaphragm has to move. If you are slouched in a chair or while walking, the diaphragm cannot contract or expand as easily, preventing you from taking deep breaths. As soon as you correct your posture, you will immediately notice how much easier it is to breathe. This is a particularly useful benefit for anyone who has a health condition that affects their breathing.
Can help prevent back pain
Developing good posture can eliminate back pain caused by stressed muscles and poor joint alignment. It does so by actively reducing the strain placed on the muscles and joints by spreading weight across the entire body. This ensures that certain muscles or joints are not overworked or damaged.
Over time, having good posture will even improve the alignment of your spine, which will improve the condition of your back and reduce the risk of back injuries. You will be less likely to suffer from herniated discs, muscle strains or other back problems.
Improved physical performance
Good posture requires the use of more muscle groups. Not only does this reduce the chances of straining a single muscle, it can lead to an improvement in overall physical performance. Having the ability to engage muscles more evenly will help you perform better during daily activities and any sports that you play.
Strengthens the core
If you have already made improvements to your sitting posture, you will have noticed that your abdominal muscles feel more engaged. Your abdominals will be "sharing the load" with your back muscles as they keep your torso stable. The more you improve your posture, the stronger your core will get, thus improving the alignment of your spine, reducing stress on your back muscles, and improving your mobility.
Makes you look more attractive
Have you ever seen an actor or actress on a talk show? Did you notice how impeccable his or her posture was? Actors and actresses concentrate on having good posture because they understand how much it affects their appearance. By sitting tall in their seat and keeping their chin up, they will look much more beautiful or handsome to the viewers at home. You will gain the same benefits as you improve your posture.
Improved digestion of food
Sitting or standing with good posture will ensure your internal organs are in their natural position. This makes it easier for the body to digest food and perform other important functions like maintaining good blood circulation.
Can improve your mood
Researchers from the University of San Francisco have discovered that having good posture can help improve a person's mood. They found that improved posture could also increase energy levels and reduce the risk of mental illnesses like depression.
Improving your posture can deliver some amazing benefits to your health and lifestyle. If you are interested in developing good posture, talk to a chiropractor or general practitioner. You can also use online resources like NHS choices to learn more.
Dr Robert Finn D.C. qualified as a chiropractor over 25 years ago from the Anglo European College of Chiropractors (the oldest and largest chiropractic college in Europe). He is passionate about chiropractic and helping his patients reach their health goals. He has clinics in Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke-on-Trent. Read more about Dr Finn here:

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Fat to Fit at 48

3 Things You Need In Your New Exercise Program

I'm here to talk to you about starting a new fitness routine. To often people blindly just start doing something because they feel like they should just "do something." After all the phrase we all hear is "Just go out and move." Well that won't get you to where you need and want to go. Having a clear direction of where you want to go and having an idea of what you will go through will ensure that you are starting off successfully with your health and fitness program.
So, what are three things you can do to have a successful program?
You can have
  • goals
  • you can be consistent
  • and you can have compassion for yourself.
Now, why those three things?
1. Because if you don't have goals to start off with, you don't know what you're trying for.
So when you go out and you start to work out or you have to make changes in your life, if your changes aren't dedicated towards something they're just random acts of movement or activity. When you're really specific with what you want to do so you achieve your goals. It's like having a map when you drive. It are going somewhere you have never been before you want to use a map to choose the best route.
2. Then you want to be consistent.
It's like any other goal in life, right? You have to be consistent in your workouts, in your new sleeping habits, your water, your food, right? You can't just do it here and there and expect the result. It you were trying to start a business from scratch and you only worked a couple random days a week. Or if when you got to work you just did "busy" work that didn't lead to anything your business would fail. But this is what people do in the exercise program.
3. You have to have compassion for yourself.
You're in your fitness program to grow, to learn, to improve. With that, you're going to challenge yourself. So, with challenges come frustration or thoughts in your head like "I can't do it" or you know all that fun stuff, it pops up in our head. So have compassion for yourself in the road that you're on.
Now, of course, all this is contingent on having a good program. You want to have a nice balanced program to holistically balance yourself from the inside out to make sure that you're achieving your goals.
A balanced program is not one where you just do different types of activity or exercise programs. A balanced program is one that respects how the body should be aligned and the stretches, exercises and activities that bring you back to that ideal state.
Find out more about how to balance your body from the inside out at

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Thursday, 27 September 2018

5 Ways to Burn Fat Fast

Whether you want to improve your overall wellbeing or want to get thin, shedding those extra pounds may not be easy for you. Apart from diets and exercises, many other factors may have an impact on your fat and weight loss. Fortunately, you can take a few steps to boost your fat burning process.
1. Go for the Strength Training
For strength training, you need to contract your muscles in order to boost your strength and build muscle mass. Typically, strength training requires you to gain muscle mass with the passage of time.
According to many research studies, strength training offers a lot of benefits as far as burning fat is concerned. With this type of exercise, you can gain fat-free mass. This can boost your body's ability to burn fat.
To get started, you can do body-weight exercises, lift weights or use gym equipment.
2. Eat a High-Protein Diet
If you add foods rich in protein to your diet, you can curb your appetite and shed those extra pounds. As a matter of fact, many studies have showed that eating more protein helps you prevent love handles.
Another study found that a higher amount of protein could help you maintain your muscle mass and reduce weight.
Once your protein consumption goes up, you may not feel as much hunger as you did before. As a result, you will begin to lose weight. You can opt for foods, such as dairy products, legumes, eggs, seafood, and meat, to name a few.
3. Get More Sleep
It's better to get more sleep for weight loss. So, it's a good idea to get to bed a bit earlier and wake up a bit later.
Many studies support the fact that weight loss can be achieved with more sleep. Another study showed that quality sleep for at least 7 hours per night could also help you shed weight.
On the other hand, lack of sleep may lead to triggered hunger hormones, obesity and increased appetite.
So, what you need to do is reduce your consumption of caffeine and stick to your sleep schedule.
4. Consume Vinegar
As far as improving health is concerned, vinegar can do a great job. Apart from its positive effects on your blood sugar levels and heart health, it can also help you trigger your weight loss processes.
In a study, researchers found that taking 1 or 2 tablespoons of vinegar on a daily basis could help you get rid of body fat over a period of 12 weeks. Moreover, this practice can reduce your appetite and boost the feelings of fullness.
The method of consumption is quite easy. You can dilute some apple cider vinegar with fresh water and consume it a couple of times each day with your routine meals.
5. Eat Healthy Fats
Although it seems weird, upping your consumption of fat can also help you keep that fat away. Fat consumption may slow down your metabolic process that can reduce your hunger and appetite.
So, these are 5 ways of burning fat fast and get into shape.
Slimmers Weekly can be a great choice if you are looking for diet pill reviews to make the best choice.

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Fit and Fabulous at 50: My Amazing Body Transformation. BEFORE & AFTER Weight Loss INSPIRATION!

Nutrition and How to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

Nutrition is basically the science of food and the amount of nutrients and calories each of the food item contains. It is regardless to say what importance food has in the existence of an individual. It is needed for the very survival of not only human beings, but every living organism on the face of earth.
Nutrients are the substances needed for the proper functioning of the body. These nutrients consist of proteins, vitamins and minerals, fats, carbohydrate, roughage and water. And it is required by every individual to have food which consists of all of them in the right amount.
Most of the times we tend to ignore or rather refuse to eat the vegetables and indulge more in fat-related products, primarily because of the taste. But we have to understand that vegetables and fruits are as much an important part of the diet as chicken and cheese.
But why should we let taste come in the way of our health. Here are some of the dishes that are a fantastic combination of good taste and healthy eating.
As the name suggests, it is an easy-to-make dish. It is a noodle dish filled with the goodness of vegetables, adding to the proteins, vitamins and minerals. The flavor makes it a tempting preparation and what's more, it looks so colorful. This dish is a healthy go-to dish and is ideal for lunch and dinner.
Nowadays, most people tend to choose 'gluten-free' food products, some because of its allergic reactions and some just for the sake of the diet. This dish is ideal for all those people. Again, it is an easy to make tasty, healthy dish with the richness of nutrients. It is full of flavorsome ingredients that are a delight to the food palate.
The one salad we all love. A perfect combination of protein and vitamins, this chicken plus vegetable dish is a favorite among the junk food eaters as well as the health conscious gym-freak. It is a great and easy-to-make dish that is perfectly ideal for brunch and dinner, and can be spread out throughout the week.
Again, a healthy, yummy and easy to prepare rice dish. Sometimes making a rice dish can be a hectic process in itself, but not this one. It's a perfect blend of flavor and nutrients. It is the ideal side dish for Mexican food.
No meal is complete without a dessert and what better way to end it with a Cherry Pineapple and Peach Dump Cake. Whereas on one hand, the cheery, pineapple and peach provides the goodness of nutrients, the whipped cream makes it all so-more delicious. It does take time to make but then it is all worth it in the end.
It is extremely important for us to know, which food is good and which is harmful. It is not always possible to count the calories of each and every food we eat, but we can balance it all out through a balanced diet containing of all that is good, healthy and delicious at the same time.
Want to have a better idea about the dishes and try them at home? Check out the recipes in and surprise your friends and families with these healthy, yummy, easy-to-cook preparations in no time.

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Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Living - Exercising Is Not a Fix for Poor Food Choices

When it comes to exercise, many people do just fine. Not everyone has an inactive lifestyle. Some people have a job where they are on their feet for most or all of the day. Others play a sport every week because it is a hobby and they enjoy it: so they are regularly active. Some people are gym rats and are in and out of the gym on several days of the week. Not surprisingly, exercise can be addictive. It brings on a positive mood and a surge in energy levels while doing well for the body.
With that said, exercise should never be used to rationalize or attempt to fix poor nutrition. Here is what is meant by this: food is still number one. You are encouraged to exercise as much as possible within reason. It will only help you. But if you think this allows you to have greater freedom with your eating plan, you would be mistaken. Or worse - if you are using the activity as a way of attempting to fix your poor food choices.
Admittedly, much of this has to do with body weight. You will find many people do not struggle with exercising but have a hard time maintaining a healthy body weight. They might even joke about their exercise routine making them fat when they realize their body weight is not changing, or they are gaining weight. For weight loss - nutrition is number one. For health, the same often applies.
Remember, food is fuel for your body, and if you are not providing your body with high-quality nutrients, you are depriving your body of what it needs...
1. You cannot outrun the fork. Exercise as much as you like - but if you are eating more than your body needs, you will put on weight. Even if you are at the gym for two hours and having the best workouts of your life.
2. You must be careful with how you eat. Frequent meals will keep your blood sugar levels high. Insulin responses stimulate your appetite. So this means frequent meals are more likely to make you eat more, rather than less, even if your portion sizes are smaller.
3. You must also mind what you eat. Fats carry a lot of calories, so even if the whipped cream you are eating is sugar-free, it might be calorie dense. And sugars! Be very careful with them, always.
At the end of the day, you need to exercise and eat well. It is not one or the other. And never use exercise as a fix for poor nutrition.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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The Importance of Vitamins

The value of Nutritional supplements in your daily diet
Do you need 5 a day? Exactly why do you need to try to eat fruit and vegetables? Vegetables and fruit in many cases are categorised as micronutrients and are important foodstuff as part of your well-balanced diet plan. Your body requires these tiny vitamins and minerals to support regular features that occur within the body. The body can't generate those by itself, therefore we need to have those vitamins and minerals coming from food items as well as supplements. There exists a wide range of nutrients which assist various attributes whenever consumed.
There are two kinds of vitamin supplements. Most are fats soluble as well as water disolveable. Body fat-soluble vitamins are found in unhealthy fats, for instance, graillon, butter, vegetable essential oils as well as dairy products. The Nice thing about it is actually, you don't need to eat these types of foods every day. Your body will retain these supplements using these when needed. Fat disolveable supplements are: Vitamin A Palmitate, D, E K. On the other hand, liquid disolveable supplements cannot be saved within the body so that you should have those daily. However, if you have a great number of these supplements than your body actually requires, they will be excreted out of your system. Liquid disolveable supplements can be obtained from fresh fruit, vegetables as well as grains. Some of these foods whenever cooked because of cooking lose the goodness. Goodness can also be lost when air gets to your meal. Make sure you maintain all the vitamins and minerals the foodstuffs provide by keeping these within their natural condition or perhaps steam these. Vitamin B, as well as C vitamin, are water-soluble supplements.
Additionally, there are types of nutrients that are important to include in your daily diet. As an example, Calcium, The mineral magnesium, Blood potassium, Iron as well as Zinc oxide are required. They each have a different role to play in the body. A calcium supplement is great for developing powerful bones and teeth. Calcium is known to lessen blood pressure and will also help control muscle contractions, including heartbeats. Magnesium vitamin is responsible for more than Three hundred compound capabilities within the body. It happens to be associated with a healthier immune system and you should be certain that you're including magnesium in what you eat. Food items such as nuts, such as cashews, kale and oat meal contain a great deal of magnesium mineral. Potassium is an additional nutrient that is required by the body to control fluids within the body. It is referred to as among the key electrolytes within you. Iron is significant as it makes red-coloured blood skin cells which transport much-needed oxygen around the body. Meat, spinach, fruits and nuts are good examples of iron-packed foodstuff. Finally, there's zinc oxide. Zinc assists the body to process this macro vitamins and minerals - carbohydrate food, proteins and fats. Zinc is found in meats, dairy and bread.
Fresh fruits you should use in your diet happen to be,
Reddish Grapes, Blueberries, Bananas, Grapefruits, and Apples
Veggies you have to include in your diet tend to be,
Broccoli, beans, Garlic clove, Cauliflower as well as Mushrooms.
There are many additional different vitamins and minerals that you can acquire through consuming the correct foods. Sometimes nevertheless it isn't simple to get them through what we eat, this could be for several explanations as well as the most likely being time. Together with the hectic lifestyles, everyone lead there isn't usually a good time for you to obtain the correct quantity of vitamins and minerals within your diet. Good news would be that there exists a great deal of various multi minerals and vitamin tablets to select from if you find it hard to have them with what you eat.
The importance of taking vitamins.

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Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Does Lifting Weights Make Women Look Less Feminine?

So this is something I hear extremely often when speaking to new female clients in the gym. Many women's fitness regime consists of long session of cardio, with maybe a few very lightweight exercises with high reps. When I ask "why are you training the way you are"? The majority of the time the client will tell me that they are trying to lose some body fat and tone their physique.
Some go into more detail about how they want to tone their arms, have smaller well defined legs, or have a flatter stomach with some muscle tone underneath. Now, unfortunately, there is no such thing as spot reduction, it is physically impossible for a human being to lose body fat in one specific area of the body, but that is a whole new topic for another day.
I always ask whether they include any weight training in their program, and the majority of women say no, or yes, but with light weights and high reps. But why is this the case? More often than not many women avoid the weights area as they are afraid that lifting heavy will cause significant muscle gain, and after all they just want to tone. It's hard to discover where the idea of "toning" came from as in reality there is no such thing, you are either building muscle or not.
The toned look that many women strive for is established through weight training to build the muscle underneath and then losing the body fat over the top through a well structured nutrition program. Hours of cardio and high rep, low weight training is only going to leave you frustrated with little results. The majority of my female clients say they have avoided the weight in the past out of fear that they will become "bulky" or have muscles like men. While I'm sure we have all seen images of female bodybuilders, and I have massive respect for the hard work and dedication they put into their passion, it is impossible for women to look that way from a short period of weight training. If it was that easy then why doesn't every guy who lifts look like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Phil Heath?
While it is possible for a guy to build muscle quickly and easily, this isn't the case for women. But why is that? It all comes down to hormones. Testosterone is the main hormone that is responsible for building muscle, and while women do have some testosterone, it is no way near the level of males. Therefore it stands to reason that they can build some muscle, but not as much or as quick as guys.
So what does happen when women lift weights? They build muscle slowly which will help to improve their physique. More muscle tissue in the legs make the thighs and bum more shapely, and more development of the arms can help the fight against bingo wings. Building muscle tissue in the shoulders and back will create the illusion of a smaller waist and help create the hourglass fugue.
But what about body fat? While lifting weight will burn calories, the only way to lose body fat is to set up a calorie deficit, through a well-structured nutrition program, as mentioned in a previous blog "the one diet that actually works". If you decide you want to look more toned and therefore diet really hard to lose fat, with little muscle underneath, ultimately you end up with a skeleton. However, with some well-defined muscle, you will create that toned and "wonder woman" physique you are after.
So to conclude, women should lift weights as it will lead to the physique many women are after by building "toned" muscle and helping lose fat to get you in the best shape.
For help setting up your training and nutrition program to achieve your dream body then contact me at Valkyrie Fitness today to get started.
Thanks for reading, stay tuned for more content coming soon.
For help setting up your weight training and nutrition program in order to build "toned" muscle and help lose fat, to get you in the best shape and to achieve your dream body then contact me at Valkyrie Fitness today to get started.
Head to
email me at
phone me on 07935 100 417

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No More “Love Handles” (NO BULLSH*T!)

Exercises and Workouts - Exercise Modifications To Make Past The Age Of 40

If you are in your 40's, 50's or beyond, you may be wondering what this means for your workout program. Can you still do the workouts you have always done? Or will you need to make adjustments?
As you get older, there is no question specific changes take place in your body. If you want to continue to stay active into these years, you will need to modify things a little. The good news is if you keep up with your fitness, you will not need to adjust as much, as your body will maintain itself quite well.
Let us look at a few of the modifications you will want to consider making...
1. Reduced Total Volume. First, consider cutting back slightly how much volume you are doing. While before you may have been able to do four sets per exercise for instance, now you may want to limit it to just three. As long as you push yourself on those three, you should still see excellent results.
As you get older, your recovery ability is not what it used to be so a high volume program may be a little too much for you to take on.
2. Exercise Selection. Next, consider your exercise selection. You want to do everything you can to safeguard your joints so choose joint friendly movements. For example, leg extensions tend to be quite hard on your knee joint so you may prefer something like the leg press instead.
Or, rather than going for a run for cardio exercise, try using a stationary machine instead. These small adjustments can pay off regarding keeping you pain-free in the months ahead.
3. Functional Movements. As you get older, your goals will also likely change. While previously you may have been very focused on the aesthetics of things, now you may be more interested in just ensuring you can keep up with your favorite activities as the years pass by. As such, you want to look at functional fitness more closely: this means choosing exercises to perform in your routine that is going to mimic best the movement patterns you use in everyday life activities. If you do that, you should be able to keep up with all you love doing.
If you keep these three slight adjustments in mind as you go about your program and focus on learning to read your body and all it's telling you, you should have no problem staying active for many years to come.
Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Monday, 24 September 2018

Fitness Tip: How To Hydrate and Replace Electrolytes When Working Out

Water is essential to life. A few days without it could result in death - it's that important. So considering a hydration strategy, especially when working out in the heat is essential to overall health. We lose water through respiration, sweating as well as urinary and fecal output. Exercise speeds up the rate of water loss making intense exercise, especially in the heat, a possibility of leading to cramping, dizziness and heat exhaustion or heat stroke if adequate fluid intake isn't met. Correct fluid intake is an important priority for exercisers and non-exercisers in the heat. Water makes up 60% of our bodies. So it's incredibly important to for many different roles in the body.
The Role of Hydration In The Body:
Water has many important jobs. From a solvent to a mineral source, water plays a part in in many different functions. Here are some of water's important jobs:
- Water acts as a solvent or a liquid that can dissolve other solids, liquids and gases. It can carry and transport these things in a number of ways. Two of water's most important roles are the fact that water transports nutrients to cells and carries waste products away from cells.
- In the presence of water, chemical reactions can proceed when they might be impossible otherwise. Because of this, water acts as a catalyst to speed up enzymatic interactions with other chemicals.
- Drink up because water acts as a lubricant! That means that water helps lubricate joints and acts as a shock absorber for the eyes and spinal cord.
- Body hydration and fluid exchange help regulate body temperature. Don't be afraid to sweat! It helps regulate your body temperature. When we begin to sweat, we know that body temperature has increased. As sweat stays on the skin, it begins to evaporate which lowers the body temperature.
- Did you know that water contains minerals? Drinking water is important as a source of calcium and magnesium. When drinking water is processed, pollutants are removed and lime or limestone is used to re-mineralize the water adding the calcium and magnesium into the water. Because re-mineralization varies depending on the location of the quarry, the mineral content can also vary.
Which Factors Determine How Much Water We Need:
What factors affect how much water we need? All of the following help determine how much water we need to take in.
Climate - Warmer climates may increase water needs by an additional 500 mL (2 cups) of water per day.
Physical activity demands - More or more intense exercise will require more water - depending on how much exercise is performed, water needs could double.
How much we've sweated - The amount of sweating may increase water needs.
Body size - Larger people will likely require more water and smaller people will require less.
Thirst - Also an indicator of when we need water. Contrary to popular believe that when we are thirsty we need water, thirst isn't usually perceived until 1-2% of bodyweight is lost. At that point, exercise performance decreases and mental focus and clarity may drop off.
We know why water is important but how do we go about hydrating properly? Fluid balance or proper hydration is similar to energy balance (food intake vs output). It is important to avoid fluid imbalance for health.
We get water not only through the beverages we consume but also through some of the food we eat. Fruits and vegetables in their raw form have the highest percentage of water. Cooked or "wet" carbohydrates like rice, lentils and legumes have a fair amount of water where fats like nuts, seeds and oils are very low in water content.
Fluid Needs By Bodyweight:
One of the easiest way to determine how much water you need is by body weight. This would be the basic amount you need daily without exercise. *Yes, you'll need to find a metric converter like this one to do the math.
Water Needs: 30 - 40 mL of water per 1 kg of bodyweight
Example: if you weigh 50 kg (110 lb), you would need 1.5 L - 2 L of water per day.
Hydration Indicators:
You should be drinking water consistently (not all at one time) throughout the day. The body can only absorb a certain amount of water at a time. Any overzealous drinking could lead to health issues.
Thirst - As stated above, if you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated.
Urine - The color of your urine is also an indicator of your hydration level.
colorless to slightly yellowish - hydrated
soft yellow - hydrated
pale gold - hydrated
gold, dark gold or light brown - possible light to moderate dehydration
brown - dehydrated
Hydration + Electrolyte Strategy:
These easy steps will help you to hydrate daily plus before and after workouts.
1. Determine how much water you need to drink on a daily basis using the body weight formula above.
2. Pre-hydration - Drinking about 2 cups of water BEFORE intense exercise ensures adequate hydration to start.
3. During Exercise - 1 cup (8 ounces) of water mixed with electrolytes (about 3/4 water to 1/4 electrolyte) every 15 minutes approximately.
4. After Exercise - Fluid intake is required to assist in recovery. Recovering with a mix of water, protein and carbs is a great idea in addition to electrolytes if needed. Formula: Approximately 15g of protein, 30g of carbs, electrolytes and water.
Margot Rutigliano is a freelance writer as well as the owner of Vita Vie Retreat. She has been a fitness trainer, wellness coach and healthy living adviser since 1999. Vita Vie Retreat is a fitness vacation offering healthy lifestyle transformation programs for men and women of all ages and fitness levels. For more information or to contact Ms. Rutigliano, please visit

Article Source: Tip: How To Hydrate and Replace Electrolytes When Working Out

10 Minute Home Fat Burning Workout (NO EQUIPMENT KILLER!!)

Why Do We Lose Muscle Mass As We Age?

On average, by the time we reach the age 60 we lose about 30 percent of our muscle mass. These are the things most people take for granted because of age. The first thought is right, no one can stop aging, however, we can change most of the age - related issues that come along with it. Muscle loss is no different to other things that come along with aging.
Reasons for Losing Muscles!
There are several reasons for any health issues that come along with age and muscle loss isn't the only one. Yes, our body slows down with age, for some sooner than others. Retirement means less activity, longer nights and shorter days. Some of our habits change and so does our lifestyle. That means there are things we don't have to do any longer, at least not every day. These are things our body is reacting to and brings along changes and issues. In retirement, for most people one of the most enjoyments of life is doing less or as little as possible and the body will react to this. This is one way of losing muscle and putting on weight, there are many others such as diet, nutrition, exercise, activities etc.
The diet is the first thing to question, is it lacking some of the things the body needs to build muscle? Minerals, which is most common our body can miss minerals without noticing anything for some time. Vitamins and protein, we know protein builds muscle. But, wait a minute, don't just rush of to the store for a protein shake, or some spirulina supplement which is worthless as a protein source.
Not only the Diet
Where does protein come from? It's not only the diet or exercise, although an important part of it. At an older age the body produces less or is harder for the body to make protein. Not having enough protein, we lose muscle mass that could mean the hair gets brittle, the immune system becomes sluggish, the bones become weaker and brittle subject to fracture and breakage, as well sagging of the skin. That's not all, lack of protein can bring on anxiety, depression, the sex drive suffers, these are just the major things that can happen. Yes, the diet like in many health issues has a lot to do with it. We assume that all the protein comes from the diet and what we eat, but that is not the only source of protein.
Proteins made by the body with the help of the right diet, so the body can make amino acids where the proteins come from. The other problem with age comes absorption or lack of it. It is not always the case that proteins made by the body from the diet used to build muscles. Because lack of absorption, protein can turn into excess glucose and not used only for muscles. The same can apply to any supplement pills you take; the absorption may only be a small percentage, and most is of no benefit. Unless a mixture of things you take together is right the body misses out.
For instance, the highest source of dietary protein is in whole eggs, do not remove the yolk like some trying to tell you, make sure to use whole - egg. Eggs have an AAU (Amino Acid Utilization) of 47 percent. As well as fish, meat, poultry, they all have an AAU content of about 32 percent. For the body to work at its best so it can produce enough protein to build muscles, the digestive enzymes must also function properly. If the digestive system works correctly the amino acids will go directly into the bloodstream. This than becomes the building block for hormones, enzymes, connecting tissues, bone and muscles. That's why the digestive function is so important for absorption, as well the right combination of the things we take. Otherwise all the things you have taken including the right food, instead making protein any extra amino acids get turned into sugar, which is not the outcome you want.
Supplementation a must.
With age also comes rejection of absorption which is also a problem for the digestive system. This happens when certain minerals and vitamins are not available from a normal diet. A multi natural supplement should have all the ingredients to keep a normal immune system function, protect the body from oxidative damage, help the body to make folic acid that assists in normal blood formation and cell division.
A supplement designed to contain lipid - soluble elements, maximizing bioavailability of these nutrients for absorption. It should have a proprietary combination of vitamin E, B and omega - 3s (EPA and DHA) derived only from natural source, not synthetics. Nitric oxide: The molecule of life, nitro oxide is a gas with chemical formula N - O: One molecule of nitrogen bonds to one molecule of oxygen. Nitro oxide is something new, not many know about this special discovery from the mid-nineties. It is a natural medicine for your heart, blood vessels and in general for cardiovascular health and more.
These are the main ingredients to take: Morning; A delicious blend of super fruit's juice (30 ml pouch.) Midday; Nitric Oxide in drops. Evening; Omega - 3 Capsules, to help build muscles. This will also improve absorption, as well the best possible benefits you can get from the right supplement. No others created better than this one.
My name is Josef Bichler. Having successfully overcome several of my own health challenges by using natural means. I believe that sharing information can help others to take control of their own health problems. For more ongoing health information as well how to source the best supplements available and chemical free products subscribe to my FREE weekly newsletter. This also gives you the opportunity for comments, suggestions and questions you may have, as well download my FREE E - BOOK to help making better food choices:

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Sunday, 23 September 2018

Start Losing Belly Fat Fast -- 7-Minute Beginner Home Exercise Routine

3 Tips To Reaching Your Health and Fitness Goals With A Busy Lifestyle

Life has this sneaky way of creeping in and throwing curve balls left and right. Life will always happen. There will always be a busy day at work or family problems or relationship highs and lows or sick children. Once conflict arises, it seems like health and fitness routines go haywire. We seek comfort food or we just don't feel like moving. These are the things that help us stay clear and balanced in both body and mind though! So what do we do when conflict smacks us in the face (and it happens to everyone so if you're reading this - you're not alone)? Avoiding the conflict is not reasonable because we can't always control what comes at us. Figurine out how to navigate through any issues is what needs to happen to stay on track.
I think so many times we approach health and fitness goals with an "all or nothing" mindset. For example, you might think your day is ruined because you veered off of your diet with an unhealthy meal or snack. Or, you decided not to workout today because you couldn't do the allotted 60 minutes that you had planned for. Instead of doing something, you may have chosen nothing at all. You gave up on day two of 30 days of clean eating. Do any of those sound familiar? It doesn't have to be all or nothing and something is better than nothing. My tips below might give you some perspective on how to reach your health and fitness goals even when life throws you a curve ball.
My philosophy is nourish, movement, mindset. If we can work on nourishing our bodies, moving them mindfully and maintaining a healthy attitude, we can function a little better day by day, week by week, month by month and eventually get into the healthy habits on a regular basis that we need to achieve total body balance.
1. Nourish.
Focus on one small thing at a time. Start simple and work from there. Don't expect to change your eating habits overnight. Small changes executed day after day, week after week and so on can lead to really big change. So pick one small nutrition action and practice it for one to two weeks before adding in a new change.
Examples: Work on portion control (without regard to food quality), add one colorful food in at each meal, take 15 minutes to meal prep tomorrow's healthy food or omit your sugary after dinner snack (swap it out with a healthy alternative). You could eat slowly and chew your food completely or focus on balancing your meals so that you have protein, carbohydrate and fat at each meal. Omitting processed foods at one to two meals per day is also another great option. These are just some examples but it's up to you to figure out which little step you can take to improve your nutrition.
2. Movement.
Take advantage of the time that you DO have. Carve out space in the small pockets of your time. We get fixated on time so often that we don't realize that a little is always better than nothing. For example, it's so easy to think that you have to do a workout for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Wouldn't 15 minutes of that workout be better than nothing though? The answer is yes! So squeeze in what you can, when you can.
Get unconventional. Maybe you don't have time to get in a "workout". Do what you can with what you've got. Maybe you take the stairs that day instead of the elevator. Park in the parking space furthest away from the building (gasp!) to get some extra steps in. Stand up from your desk and walk around for a minute every 15 or 20 minutes. Run around at the playground with your kids. Movement doesn't always have to be in the form of a straight up 30 minute HIIT workout. It can be moving and active - outside or inside. What are the ways that you could get in some more movement?
Move mindfully. Pay close attention to your body and what it's trying to tell you. Your body and energy levels will fluctuate day by day so take advantage of more vigorous workouts when you can and also add in active recovery, lighter workouts or even yoga or stretching when necessary.
3. Mindset.
Don't give up. Don't throw in the towel on eating right and moving your body. It's seems easy to take the "all or nothing" approach but that's not necessary. Something is always better than nothing.Don't beat yourself up! Life ebbs and flows for everyone. Take a look at where you're at right now and what you can make work right now.
The most important thing is to honor where you're at. Only you know what you're capable of at this point in your life. Make sure the small steps you take are 100% doable for you and your lifestyle. Small steps over time can add up to big change.
Margot Rutigliano is a freelance writer as well as the owner of Vita Vie Retreat. She has been a fitness trainer, wellness coach and healthy living adviser since 1999. Vita Vie Retreat is a fitness retreat offering healthy lifestyle transformation programs for men and women of all ages and fitness levels. For more information or to contact Ms. Rutigliano, please visit

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1 Mile Happy Walk [Walk at Home 1 Mile]

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Fad Diet Dangers

Quick weight-loss or fad diets don't work. These usually come with dramatic promises of weight loss in a set time. The weight you lose at the beginning is mostly water, not fat. This does not result in long term weight loss. In fact, some of these diets are actually harmful to your health. If you are evaluating diets now, be aware of these sales pitches and stay clear:
1. Guarantees you lose a certain number of pounds per week, especially more than two pounds.
2. Recommends supplements to make up for loss of vitamins and nutrients.
3. Omits a whole food group like a no carb diets. Remember fruits and veggies are carbohydrates.
4. Rationalizes its diet is healthy according to a new or complicated theory.
5. Suggest a daily caloric intake of less than 1200 calories unless you are under the supervision of a doctor.
Everyone wants to lose weight as fast as possible with as little effort as possible--that's human nature. But, everyone who has lost weight just to gain it back is aware of how frustrating and complicating it can be. You certainly don't want to risk malnutrition or short term weight loss that quickly returns from dieting. You certainly don't want to set yourself up for failure anymore.
When I was teaching the psychology of eating at the weight reduction clinic, weight loss was introduced as a healthy lifestyle change, not a quick fix. This involved evaluating your entire life to see where unhealthy behaviors occur. Some people had foodie friends or family that needed to adapt to healthier ways. So, they became involved in the support part of the program even if they don't diet themselves. Our diet program encouraged a mind set for positive adaptability to a new diet, an exercise routine, and social support from friends and family. The team approach proved to be much more successful than going it alone.
My two favorites diets are the Mediterranean and the Okinawa diets because of the longevity qualities--a particular interest of mine. But, today's diets are designed for your individual physiological needs. Nutritionalists construct diets to address cancer, cardiovascular illness, diabetes, and even things like anemia. So, the best diet for you is not whats in vogue today.
Your diet should be based on your ancestry of medical illness passed down, your current physiological needs (i.e., high blood pressure, etc) and your individual health goals for the future. Some people just want to lose weight while others may want to control diabetes or cholesterol. If you're serious about dieting the healthiest way, then make an appointment with a dietitian or nutritionist and let them recommend a plan based on your personal needs. L. Johnson

Article Source:

Fit and Fabulous at 50: My Amazing Body Transformation. BEFORE & AFTER Weight Loss INSPIRATION!

The 3 Best Diet Tips to Keep Yourself on Course

You've dedicated yourself to radically alter your lifestyle, together with the final goal of losing weight, and also naturally also obtaining a healthy human body. You begin with great courage, however, after a week you start to be aware, mainly through all the temptations you face daily.
For one to encourage new life, I wish to give you three essential suggestions to your first strategy will sustain. With which you'll be able to keep yourself on track for your last target: A healthy body having a healthy fat!
The 3 Best Diet Tips For You:
We have discovered the best 3 diet tips for you.
Diet Tip 1: Drinking water!
Whether you are following a diet, or not: Drinking water isn't almost always a great idea. Even more powerful: It's crucial! Were you aware that you could do without food for a while, but with no water, it is possible to do a couple of days? Water isn't just to moisture your body, which means that you may work optimally, however, is also a great tip to fulfill your belly, in the minutes that you have the uncontrollable urge to bite.
So before you start that bag of fries, original drink a fantastic glass of plain water. And in the majority of instances, there's thirst. So first like a glass of fresh water before you do with the bag of fries. You likely place that bag back into the cupboard.
Do you've got troubles drinking water? Don't you like water? Then attempt to wash it with a little dab of peppermint syrup. Naturally, this syrup ought to be sweetened as small as you can. But if it's purified, it isn't too bad: The quantity of sugar is so modest that we can fail.
Another choice to drink extra water is a fantastic cup of herbal tea, also preferably green tea which you buy from an expert.
Diet Tip 2: Eating unconsciously
From the culture, eating unconsciously happens most after supper. You merely eat, and also you plop back on the sofa. Exhausted in the day which eventually lies, there's, clearly, an excellent cup of java. A beautiful cake a part of this java. After the bowl, then you soon switch to a beverage. And bubbling with no yummy bite, naturally, isn't complete. So more rapidly that bag of fries, cocktail blossoms, and pieces of sausage is determined by the table.
It's a habit, however, an extremely unhealthy dependence. Not only can you receive a lot of extra calories at the very last-minute of this day, however, but your stomach is also overly saturated with this method to sleep peacefully.
Incidentally, we don't even that poor, because the French eat half-past nine, along with the Spaniards even afterward!
Would you wish to bite on the sofa? Then select a light bite, for instance, some uncooked vegetables. And that alcohol and coffee? Much healthier and also you sleep far better.
Diet Tip 3: Love your favorite meals
You be incredibly stern by renouncing less healthy meals, but the odds are extremely high you'll get hooked after some time. As an interim solution, it's possible to sometimes enjoy that yummy cake, that delicious ice cream or part of chocolate. But take one loaf, nor eat the package vacantly. The trick is moderation: It is possible to eat a lot, but just in equity.
And the important rules of dieting are involved one thing: Don't misuse this suggestion to discuss emotion-food for yourself. Keep it real with a single cake, and immediately place the remaining part of the lawsuit back from the cupboard.
Final Verdict
With all these three tips in your mind, you likely feel much more powerful to keep on this course. Well done!
In any case remember well it requires a great deal of effort, particularly the very first months. However, after a little while, everything begins to develop into a custom. And That's the second that you have permanently altered your lifestyle:
You don't think about everything you did before, but you appreciate all the benefits.

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